算了,这个还是发一下吧,伴娘什么的…………我不高兴! 7. Janine Returns! - Another love interest of Sherlock's and Mary's close friend, Jani ne will return for the upcoming season. A ccording to Moffat she will definitely be b ack and her and Sherlock will be friends. The writer told IGN: "He likes her, though. He'll see her again. They'll be pals. I loved Yasmine's perfor mance as Janine -- she still likes him in th e end. At some point, you know, if Sherlo ck Holmes has to go to a function and he needs a date, he'll phone her up. Now, h e'll not expect her to say no. She'll be ver y cross with him, but she'll show up, and they'll have a good time. They will, becau se he likes her."夏洛克怎么可能喜欢伴娘,编剧一定在胡说!
黑头发,比较开放,穿卷福的衣服,睡卷福的床,一样喜欢暧昧,但她怎么能和女王比,我觉得第三季关于艾琳的细节蛮有深意的,the woman will cry. 单支玫瑰,而且卷福后来离开医院的时候玫瑰也不见了,他一定带走了,也想保护艾琳吧,不想让人发现艾琳的行踪。还有压制点,婚礼的女王闪回,都很…………哎,但愿这些不是无用情节吧,