Dear sellers ;亲爱的卖家
Our new card has just entered production and we are happy enough! ;我们很高兴自己的新产品已经投产
with this month you should receive the first units! ;这个月你们可以拿到首批出货
Here is a info list for your shops ;这里有可以作为贵店宣传的信息
See you later!
Support Firmware: 4.X - 9.X ;固件支持4~9.X
Can play DS games & 3DS games in same card ;DS、3DS同卡游戏
Slow motion for DS games & 3DS games ;支持DS、3DS游戏慢动作
Cheats for DS games & 3DS games ;金手指
NEW! Custom saves for DS games & 3DS games ;支持存档编辑
NEW! Online support for certain 3DS games, multiplayers support for ALL DS games ;3DS网联、DS多人游戏
NEW! Run 3DS Homebrew (Emulated NAND) ;支持自制系统
NEW! Install CIA (Emulated NAND) ;支持CIA
NEW! Replace game files with custom game files (Emulated NAND) ;可运行自制游戏(汉化??)
NEW! Dump game to micro SD card (Emulated NAND) ;dump游戏到sd卡
NEW! Ftp Server bundled with card ;搭建了ftp服务器
- SuperCard Team - ;SC团队
Our new card has just entered production and we are happy enough! ;我们很高兴自己的新产品已经投产
with this month you should receive the first units! ;这个月你们可以拿到首批出货
Here is a info list for your shops ;这里有可以作为贵店宣传的信息
See you later!
Support Firmware: 4.X - 9.X ;固件支持4~9.X
Can play DS games & 3DS games in same card ;DS、3DS同卡游戏
Slow motion for DS games & 3DS games ;支持DS、3DS游戏慢动作
Cheats for DS games & 3DS games ;金手指
NEW! Custom saves for DS games & 3DS games ;支持存档编辑
NEW! Online support for certain 3DS games, multiplayers support for ALL DS games ;3DS网联、DS多人游戏
NEW! Run 3DS Homebrew (Emulated NAND) ;支持自制系统
NEW! Install CIA (Emulated NAND) ;支持CIA
NEW! Replace game files with custom game files (Emulated NAND) ;可运行自制游戏(汉化??)
NEW! Dump game to micro SD card (Emulated NAND) ;dump游戏到sd卡
NEW! Ftp Server bundled with card ;搭建了ftp服务器
- SuperCard Team - ;SC团队