kaelynandlucy吧 关注:264贴子:2,249



IP属地:湖南31楼2015-03-18 14:16

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                          IP属地:湖南44楼2015-03-18 14:43

                            kae 爹地的忠告,看不懂的话我把文段复制到楼下,自己百度翻译一下好了

                            IP属地:湖南45楼2015-03-18 14:44

                              Always be honest. You may not even know you are hiding anything. All of your emotions - whether you knew of them or not - will come flooding out on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you’ve had too much time to think. If you are the other person, just listen. Don’t judge, blame, or get angry. Recognize that this is the moment to prove what your relationship is made of.
                              Never drink too much. All of your friends may go out, get unbelievably intoxicated, and end up making out with a few creepers. Don’t let this be you. Be smart, conscientious, and loyal. You may tell yourself that you would never do something stupid but don’t get too drunk and accidentally kiss someone else. You may not think it’s a big deal now but it will be in the morning.
                              Sacrifice. The time you put into a long distance relationship is easily twice as much as being in a close proximity relationship. You may have an exam tomorrow but that doesn’t mean you can blow off the love of your life. Make time. If it means sacrificing getting one more question wrong or an extra hour of sleep, then be content with that happening. Just because your life is busy and complicated doesn’t take away from the other person’s wants and needs.
                              Trust. This may be the most important point. Trust that the other person is being honest with you unless they give you a reason to think otherwise. With this trust, you will learn to not be too over-demanding or paranoid. Text when you can but don’t be afraid if you don’t get an answer right away. Be aware that the other person actually has a life beyond this relationship. Take a deep breath.
                              Communicate. Don’t fall asleep right before you planned a Skype conversation and leave the other person hoping that you didn’t die on the way home. Talk to each other - about everything. Never sleep with your phone on silent. Be prepared to be woken up at 3am when the love of your life comes home from a night out and wants to “chat”. Remember these times - they are what define your relationship.
                              Cherish. Cherish the time you actually have together. Understand that the love of your life for two years is meeting your parents for the first time and be supportive. Film all of your meetings in the airport. That first hug is the moment when all your fears are washed away. The times together make you realize what you truly miss when you’re apart. It will hurt like hell when you have to leave - especially that moment when you say “Goodbye”. But it slowly gets easier and then, in a few weeks time, it gets MUCH harder. You’ll feel like half a person, missing half your soul. But then it gets better again as the countdown makes the turn to less than halfway.
                              Love. Love the other person’s flaw and quirks. Accept who they are completely and don’t waste the time trying to change them. Be honest and open. Trust but be trustworthy. You can doubt who you are but don’t doubt your relationship. If you can handle living thousands of miles apart, you can handle anything. Don’t let people tell you your relationship isn’t as strong as theirs. Because in your silence, when you are sitting in class, feeling like you are missing half your heart, you’ll know that it’s all worth it. The time apart doesn’t define your relationship but has helped create and shape it into what it is today. Love is simple - But being in a long distance relationship isn’t. Put in the effort, commitment, and time. And remember that one day, you’ll have no more countdown, no more airplane trips, no more waiting, no more Skype conversations, no more falling asleep on your own, no more aching to be whole again. That will be the best day of your life.

                              IP属地:湖南46楼2015-03-18 14:44