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【书摘】基情四溢的 Interview with the Vampire


1. Lestat had preternatural timing. He rushed me into the carriage and whipped the horses home. `I want to die,' I began to murmur. `This is unbearable. I want to die. You have it in your power to kill me. Let me die.' I refused to look at him, to be spellbound by the sheer beauty of his appearance. He spoke my name to me softly, laughing.
2. Knowing Lestat as I do now, I would say he would have killed me rather than let me go.
3. `I want to die; kill me. Kill me,' I said to the vampire. `Now I am guilty of murder. I can't live.' He sneered with the impatience of people listening to the obvious lies of others. And then in a flash he fastened on me just as he had on my man. I thrashed against him wildly. I dug my boot into his chest and kicked him as fiercely as I could, his teeth stinging my throat, the fever pounding in my temples. And with a movement of his entire body, much too fast for me to see, he was suddenly standing disdainfully at the foot of the steps. `I thought you wanted to die, Louis,' he said... `Now listen to me, Louis,' he said, and he lay down beside me now on the steps, his movement so graceful and so personal that at once it made me think of a lover. I recoiled. But he put his right arm around me and pulled me close to his chest. Never had I been this close to him before, and in the dim light I could see the magnificent radiance of his eye and the unnatural mask of his skin. As I tried to move, he ,pressed his right fingers against my lips and said, Be still. I am going to drain you now to the very threshold of death, and I want you to be quiet, so quiet that you can almost hear the flow of blood through your veins, so quiet that you can hear the flow of that same blood through mine. It is your consciousness, your will, which must keep you alive.' I wanted to struggle, but he pressed so hard with his fingers that he held my entire prone body in check; and as soon as I stopped my abortive attempt at rebellion, he sank his teeth into my neck. 【卧槽这一段简直不能更沸腾!当 Louis说 he sank his teeth into my neck. 的时候,The boy's eyes grew huge.他心里肯定在想,麻痹这是现场H啊!赤果果的血交啊!】
4. An oil lantern swayed in the breeze on the gallery. All of this light coalesced and began to shimmer, as though a golden presence hovered above me, suspended in the stairwell, softly entangled with the railings, curling and contracting like smoke. `Listen, keep your eyes wide,' Lestat whispered to me, his lips moving against my neck. I remember that the movement of his lips raised the hair all over my body, sent a shock of sensation through my body that was not unlike the pleasure of passion. . . The result was that within minutes I was weak to paralysis. Panicstricken, I discovered I could not even will myself to speak. Lestat still held me, of course, and his arm was like the weight of an iron bar. I felt his teeth withdraw with such a keenness that the two puncture wounds seemed enormous, lined with pain. And now he bent over my helpless head and, taking his right hand off me, bit his own wrist. The blood flowed down upon my shirt and coat, and he watched it with a narrow, gleaming eye. It seemed an eternity that he watched it, and that shimmer of light now hung behind his head like the backdrop of an apparition. I think that I knew what he meant to do even before he did it, and I was waiting in my helplessness as if I'd been waiting for years. He pressed his bleeding wrist to my mouth, said firmly, a little impatiently, `Louis, drink.' And I did. `Steady, Louis,' and `Hurry,' he whispered to me a number of times. I drank, sucking the blood out of the holes, experiencing for the first time since infancy the special pleasure of sucking nourishment, the body focused with the mind upon one vital source.【Louis你对自己的初夜真的记忆太深刻了。_(:з」∠)_
5. He might have calmed me and told me I might watch my death with the same fascination with which I had watched and felt the night. But he didn't. Lestat was never the vampire I am. Not at all.【总而言之一句话就是,他把我吃了以后!居然就不管我了!QAQ 】
6. `You're carrying on badly,' Lestat said finally. `And it's almost dawn. I should let you die. You will die, you know. The sun will destroy the blood I've given you, in every tissue, every vein. But you shouldn't be feeling this fear at all. I think you're like a man who loses an arm or a leg and keeps insisting that he can feel pain where the arm or leg used to be.' Well, that was positively the most intelligent and useful thing Lestat ever said in my presence, and it brought me around at once. `Now, I'm getting into the coffin,' he finally said to me in his most disdainful tone, `and you will get in on top of me if you know what's good for you.' And I did. I lay face-down on him, utterly confused by my absence of dread and filled with a distaste for being so close to him, handsome and intriguing though he was. 【还说不爱!QAQ 虐恋情深!我和好友的结论是,Louis 其实也是爱 Lestat 的,只是一直没办法接受自己吸血鬼的身份,而且 Lestat 的确又太自我了,完全不顾 Louis 的感受....Louis说了很多次“轻蔑”,可见他一直觉得 Lestat是不爱他的....55555 太虐了妈蛋。

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