当年学perl语言时,知道perl有一句箴言:“There's more than one way to do it”。
“Beauty is subjective.
Explicit is recommended, but not required.
Simple is good, but complex can be good too.
And although complicated is bad,
Verbose and complicated is worse.
Brief is better than long-winded.
But readability counts.
So use whitespace to enhance readability.
Not because you're required to.
Practicality always beats purity.
In the face of ambiguity, do what I mean.
There's more than one way to do it.
Although that might not be obvious unless you're a Monk.
At your discretion is better than not at all.
Although your discretion should be used judiciously.
Just because the code looks clean doesn't mean it is good.
Just because the code looks messy doesn't mean it is bad.
Reuse via CPAN is one honking great idea -- let's do more of that!”
当我着手制定道棋规则的时候,我就在问自己:道棋的哲学是什么?经过一段时间的思索,我找到了答案——“简洁”,转化成口号就是“棋规至简 道理至深”。
当年学perl语言时,知道perl有一句箴言:“There's more than one way to do it”。
“Beauty is subjective.
Explicit is recommended, but not required.
Simple is good, but complex can be good too.
And although complicated is bad,
Verbose and complicated is worse.
Brief is better than long-winded.
But readability counts.
So use whitespace to enhance readability.
Not because you're required to.
Practicality always beats purity.
In the face of ambiguity, do what I mean.
There's more than one way to do it.
Although that might not be obvious unless you're a Monk.
At your discretion is better than not at all.
Although your discretion should be used judiciously.
Just because the code looks clean doesn't mean it is good.
Just because the code looks messy doesn't mean it is bad.
Reuse via CPAN is one honking great idea -- let's do more of that!”
当我着手制定道棋规则的时候,我就在问自己:道棋的哲学是什么?经过一段时间的思索,我找到了答案——“简洁”,转化成口号就是“棋规至简 道理至深”。