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IP属地:浙江1楼2015-02-04 20:12回复
    An even sexier version of an all-time classic.
    Mock-yeah! Ing-yeah! Bird-yeah! The Mockingbird SL Deluxe is a thing of beauty both to the eyes and to the ears. Made in the USA, the SL carries on the (B.C.) rich tradition of a line that was introduced in the mid-70s and was named the "coolest guitar in the world" by Guitar World magazine in 2010. These cream-of-the-crop models feature a solid mahogany body, neck and sides with striking curves and beveled edging for faster access to the entire fretboard, and an equally appealing neck-through construction with quilt maple top in either a cool Natural finish or a saucy Trans Red finish. The ebony fingerboard features diamond inlays that lead to a traditional 3-to-a-side headstock with a sweet rosewood overlay. B.C. Rich Partial Active Electronics and Seymour Duncan Alnico 2 Pro pickups help you get the most out of the guitar's tonewoods, while its original Floyd Rose Original Tremolo lets you bend and shape notes where needed. The Mockingbird SL also comes with a 43mm wide nut, Grover Super Rotomatic Tuners, D'Addario EXL 120 strings, and black hardware.
    Neck-through construction
    Mahogany body, neck and sides
    Qult maple top
    Ebony fingerboard with diamond-shaped inlays
    3-to-a-side traditional headstock with rosewood overlay
    B.C. Rich Partial Active Electronics
    Seymour Duncan Alnico Pro 2 pickups
    Floyd Rose Original Series Tremolo
    12" neck radius
    Painted back of neck
    43mm nut width
    24 jumbo frets
    24-5/8 scale
    D'Addario EXL 120 (,009-.042)
    Grover Super Rotomatic Tuners
    Take musical flight with this beautiful Mockingbird model. Order one for your collection today!

    IP属地:浙江2楼2015-02-04 20:12

      IP属地:浙江3楼2015-02-04 20:13
        BC Rich Junkies. Facebook Page

        IP属地:浙江4楼2015-02-23 01:08
          1968年,Bernie Rico, Sr.创立了B.C. Rich公司,在之后的4年中制造了少量的Gibson、Fender类型的电吉他。1972年,第一款真正意义上的B.C. Rich电吉他Seagull推出,奠定了B.C. Rich吉他延续至今的卓而不群的设计传统。拥有奇特外形设计的电吉他在七、八十年代层出不穷,但是在今天得以保留下来的少量经典设计中,只有B.C. Rich在拥有狂放外形的同时仍不失典雅之感,丝毫不会给人陈腐的感觉。在BC Rich那些最著名的电吉他型号中,Bich的第一批使用者有Aerosmith乐队的Joe Perry,本来要被放弃的Warlock被Motley Crue乐队的Nikki Sixx看中得以发展至今,Ironbird则是Black Sabbath乐队的Tony Iommi的爱琴,BC Rich一直伴随着金属风格的诞生与发展。90年代后期兴起的极端金属从外形到音色全面颠覆了传统电吉他的老朽之气,Slayer、SlipKnot、Dark Funeral等乐队用各种型号的B.C. Rich完成的出色作品展示了这一品牌的无穷魅力,使拥有一把B.C. Rich成为了众多金属乐手的梦想。
          创始人Bernie Rico, Sr.
          Bernie Rico, Sr.(全称Bernardo Chavez Rico) 1941年10月13日生于洛杉矶东部的一个西班牙人区。他的父亲Bernardo Mason Rico是家族的吉他手工作坊的制琴师,以制作吉他和出售吉他零件为主,同时也制作其他西班牙与墨西哥的传统乐器,业余时间还在一个洛杉矶的小乐队里弹琴。Rico家族的吉他商店1947年时名叫Valencian Guitar Shop,不久后改为Casa Rico,在Bernie Rico加入后改为Bernardo Guitar Shop,在当地小有名气。
          Rico先生在他年纪很小的时候就开始弹吉他了,但是以弗拉门哥吉他与古典吉他为主,当时他的吉他老师是Sabicas,Rico不仅在弹琴风格上受Sabicas很大影响,后期制琴也是受Sabica很大的影响的。他让Rico在音色与音质上更加的熟悉与了解。Bernie很早便开始跟随Sabicas学习弗拉门戈和古典吉他,虽然也曾在伟大的Mario Escudero门下学习3年多,但Bernie对吉他音色与

          IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端5楼2015-02-23 15:43