Don’t call it a comeback
Super Girl champ Zhang Liangying explains her latest TV slump and why she’s stronger than ever
By Li Jingjing
A decade ago, she was just an amateur contestant on a music talent show called Super Girls.
Now Zhang Liangying is heading back to TV to participate in the highly-competitive show I am a Singer. But this time, she returns as a professional artist.
Zhang, known as the “dolphin princess” for her vocal acrobatics in the whistle register, went from ranking number one on the show for her rendition of“Legend of Starving Wolf” to last in the following episodes.
Barely staving off elimination, fans are wondering how much longer she will last.
Many faulted her song choice for her slip in the rankings, but Zhang insists on singing what she wants.
Zhang tells her reasons and more in this Global Times interview.
地址 : http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NTAyODEwOQ==&mid=203842512&idx=2&sn=df7d561ff20e8f1b938cfc973751d6c4&scene=4#wechat_redirect

Don’t call it a comeback
Super Girl champ Zhang Liangying explains her latest TV slump and why she’s stronger than ever
By Li Jingjing
A decade ago, she was just an amateur contestant on a music talent show called Super Girls.
Now Zhang Liangying is heading back to TV to participate in the highly-competitive show I am a Singer. But this time, she returns as a professional artist.
Zhang, known as the “dolphin princess” for her vocal acrobatics in the whistle register, went from ranking number one on the show for her rendition of“Legend of Starving Wolf” to last in the following episodes.
Barely staving off elimination, fans are wondering how much longer she will last.
Many faulted her song choice for her slip in the rankings, but Zhang insists on singing what she wants.
Zhang tells her reasons and more in this Global Times interview.
地址 : http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NTAyODEwOQ==&mid=203842512&idx=2&sn=df7d561ff20e8f1b938cfc973751d6c4&scene=4#wechat_redirect