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转发:Salt and Your Health盐与健康



It’s well known that salt is critical toyour existence. But there is a tremendous difference between table salt versuscrystal salt. Common table salt no longer has anything in common with theoriginal crystal salt. Natural salt is "chemically cleaned" andreduced only to sodium and chloride. Important minerals and trace elements areconsidered "impure" and removed. The remaining salt by itselfhowever, is not a natural element and is poison to the body. Modern methods ofmining and chemical treatments have turned the 'white gold' into an almostuseless substance.
Clinical research facts gathered from double-blindstudies with PSYMPHONY™ – our unrefined and unprocessed Original HimalayanCrystal Salt, have demonstrated a myriad of benefits of salt to your body.Crucial to your existence is the presence of the primary electrolytes of sodium(Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chloride (Cl-),phosphate (PO43-), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-), plus other significantmineral salts. The electric charge symbols of plus (+) and minus (-) indicatethat the substances are ionic in nature.

The words ions, ionic, and ionized refer toelectrical charge or electrical potential. We commonly refer to this as ENERGY.Your body functions on Energy alone and requires a specific and complexcombination of electrolytes to maintain the very delicate balance between theintracellular and extracellular environments of your body. Vital to yourexistence is the presence of precise quantities of the right electrolytes. It’sthe electrolytes that affect and regulate the hydration of the body, blood pH,blood pressure, and are crucial for nerve and muscle function.
The muscle tissue and neurons of the bodyare considered electric tissues, able to conduct electricity. It’s theelectrolyte activity in the body that activates the muscles to contract. Therecan be no thoughts and no words without natural salt in your body. And withoutsufficient levels of the key electrolytes mentioned above, muscle weakness orsevere muscle contractions may occur.
Electrolyte balance is normally maintainedby eating salt or drinking an electrolyte containing substance, like sole. Itis water and salt that regulates each and every metabolic function of the body,including functions of the solid matter itself. Without water and salt, thissolid matter of our body is absolutely useless. It is water and salt thatenergizes and activates our bodies!

1楼2015-01-25 09:59回复