"Nooo! You do like dis!" Coulson chuckled as he heard a small voice shout from the lounge area. As he stepped through the door to the lounge, he had to muffle his laughter. A grinning Agent Ward was crawling across the floor with the tiny toddler sitting on top of his back. The rare sound of laughter spilled from the typically stoic agent, as he played 'horsey' with the small child.
"He's really good with her, isn't he? Who would've guessed," May commented as she came up from behind Coulson. The Asian agent had a bowl with cheerios and sliced bananas in her hand, along with a water bottle in the other. "And she loves him. Almost jumped from my arms when she saw him."
"I bet she'll love to hear that when Fitzsimmons find a way to reverse this." Coulson snickered while he watched the tiny girl wrap herself around the grinning agent, as he stood up with her in his arms.
"Sir." Ward greeted him as he sat on the couch with the little one in his arms. "Have they found anything to fix this?"
"They're still working on it, Agent Ward. But I'm sure you'll find a way to keep Skye occupied." Coulson smirked.
"I don't know wha-"
"Okay, enough teasing. Ward, say goodbye to baby Skye and go look over our case with Coulson. I'll watch her until Fitzsimmons find a reversal." May stated as she subtly nudged Coulson out of the lounge area.
The stoic agent stood up slowly and gave a gentle kiss to the toddlers' forehead. "See you later Skye…unfortunately the next time we meet, you'll be taller and more annoying." Ward whispered into the giggling child's ear as he brought her to May.
"Bye-bye War!" Little Skye cheered as she snuggled herself into May's neck. "May may! Mmm!" The tiny brunette pouted as she reached for the bowl of food. "Mmm! Pwease?"
Coulson and Ward made their way to the conference room to discuss their current case while the Asian woman placed the child onto the floor. "Sit up," she said as she took a seat next to the younger version of Skye. May looked on contently as the toddler grabbed at the cheerios in the bowl placed in between the two on the floor. "Don't rush, Skye. You have plenty of time to eat. And eat some bananas. You can't just pick out the cereal." She chided the little one stuffed her mouth with the honey flavored cheerios. May cautiously pulled away the bowl as she noticed the tiny brunette continuously popping cereal into her already puffed out cheeks, one by one. "Skye, chew! Jesus. You really haven't changed much, have you?" she sighed.
The miniature agent smiled as best she could with a full mouth and began to chew happily. Once she was finished, the toddler reached for the opened water bottle sitting next to her. Managing not to spill a drop, she grinned triumphantly at the older woman. "Nice job, honey." May couldn't contain her laughter or the smile on her face, as she looked at the adorable child. She watched the kid yawn widely and rub her eyes. "Are you sleepy, Skye? Come on. I'll carry you to your pod. You can take a nap there, okay?" the woman whispered as she lifted up a quiet Skye into her arms.
– Back in the lab –
"I've got it! We had the incorrect analysis before!" Fitz shouted as he rearranged the ray.
"Fitz, you are brilliant! Quick, let's go find May and get normal aged Skye back!"
"Wait just a moment…done! Well let's go then! I'm sure you can't wait to get your girlfriend back." Fitz snickered. The two scientists ran into the lounge area, only to find Coulson and Ward sitting on the couches surrounded by case files. Jemma quickly surveyed the room and swiveled around to find May.
"They're in her pod!" Coulson shouted over the back of the couch he was seated on. Chuckling at the thumbs-up he got in response, he returned to the folders in front of him. From the corner of his eye, he could see Ward smiling lightly as he picked up another file. "You happy to get rid of baby Skye already? I thought you took a liking to her, Ward?"
"What? No...I mean she's actually really cute…and she doesn't talk or complain as much as adult Skye…do we really need her back?" Ward half joked.
"She does argue less…" Coulson snorted. "But even if not all of us want to admit it, we love her. And we really need back." He finished.
"Yea…our team wouldn't be the same without our annoying, immature, genius computer hacker." Ward added fondly. The two men shared a smile and went back to their files.
– In Skye's pod –
May jumped up into a defensive stance as the door burst open. She relaxed as she recognized the two scientists standing wide-eyed in the doorway. "Relax. She's sleeping," she stated pointing to the sleeping toddler. "Thank god that she's a heavy sleeper."
"Right. Sorry, May…we have the reversal ray." Fitz said hesitantly as Jemma walked towards the bed.
"She's really quite adorable, isn't she? Oh goodness...I'm about to shoot a tiny, sleeping child...my girlfriend...who I have already shot once before with a malfunctioning ray gun that...I really hope she doesn't break up with me-"
"Simmons-" "Jemma, breathe-" May and Fitz said in unison as the woman began to lose steam.
"What if this doesn't actually work? I've already managed to turn the love of my life into a toddler...what if something else goes wrong?" the fair skinned woman deflated suddenly as she lowered herself onto the side of the bed. She took in the sight of her miniature girlfriend and sighed. "No. I've got this. We tested it already, a bunch of times in the lab...and it worked. It's got to work." She concluded in a determined manner. May and Fitz looked on as the biochemist got up and took a deep breathe. She aimed the ray gun and shot.