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回复:三国杀英文版 Legends of The Three Kingdoms 翻译到三将


JIAN Yong (M,3) YJ205
At the start of your play phase, you may “point duel” another hero. If you win, the next basic card or “Scroll” card you use may target one extra or one less target; if you do not win, you cannot use“Scroll” cards until the end of the turn. You may use this ability once per phase.
·Luxurious Peace
When you win a “point duel”, you may acquire the card the other hero used in “point duel”; when you do not win a “point duel”, you may take back the card you used in “point duel”.
Garrulous,“多言的,喋喋不休的”。没有直译,带一些贬义也是配合技能。每回合稳定顺拆你烦不烦?拼点赢无中4牌顺手2牌你烦不烦?拼点输当蓄爆你烦不烦?丫巧说说来说去你烦不烦?= =别说我蜀黑,本来拼点就算是个附加性的技能,无论是太史慈还是高顺祝融都需要队友的配合和对牌堆点数的强烈感觉,现在来个基本可以无脑的拼点怪,你烦不烦?
Luxurious Peace,“奢侈的平静”,基本直译。

IP属地:美国186楼2015-01-22 14:18

    LIU Feng (M,4) YJ207
    ·Unwanted Son
    At the start of your start phase, you may take one card from each of a maximum of two other heroes and put the card(s) on your hero card as a “revolt”. When another hero need to use a “Strike” on you, he/she may discard two “revolts” from your hero card and it is considered using a “Strike” on you.
    Unwanted Son,“不被喜爱,没人要的儿子”,也指本不打算生出的儿子,这里不做此意。【陷嗣】这个技能本来理解起来也有些奇怪,大概是“被陷害的子嗣”的意思(忘了在哪看的了,要是不正确请指出),指其不被刘备和诸葛亮信任,结果被赐死的故事,就这点来说,曾想过翻译为“framed son”或者各种同义近义词,但又想到表明主要是不被父亲接纳的苦闷,就改为了“Unwanted Son”,暗指了不被父亲刘备钟爱。

    IP属地:美国188楼2015-01-22 14:30
      因为当时ps想做稍大一点的图,所以其他所有的大图都和刘封这张一样,是11.1*15.6 300分辨率的图,可存为jpeg再缩小打印的时候都有些模糊了。果然是要ps直接正常卡牌大小然后存图,回去改武将和游戏牌模版,把所有的武将清晰度改一改。

      IP属地:美国190楼2015-01-22 14:37
        @duelist111home 又指出来好多细节错误,主要是因为本人对武将技能的理解或记忆有误,到时候修改一下再发上来。感谢各位及时指出的错误,本人会再次修改正稿(因为同时要改大小),等全部发完了再跟我要卡牌大图吧。

        IP属地:美国来自Android客户端195楼2015-01-22 21:49

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端196楼2015-01-23 13:14
            5.3 吴势力武将(WU Heroes)

            SUN Quan (M,4) WU 001
            During play phase, you may discard any amount of cards and redraw an equal amount from the deck (may only be used once per phase).
            Monarch Passive Ability: You gain an extra 1 unit of life points from a "Peach" used on you by a "WU" Hero during your Near Death state.

            GAN Ning (M,4) WU 002
            During play phase, you may treat any of your black color suit cards as "Dismantle".

            LU Meng (M,4) WU 003
            If you did not use or play any "Strike" during your play phase, then you may skip your discard phase for that turn.

            HUANG Gai (M,4) WU 004
            ·Desperation (翻译成绝望真的好么。。。)
            During your play phase, you may choose to lose one unit of life to draw two cards from the deck.

            ZHOU Yu (M,3) WU 005
            During your draw phase, you may draw one extra card from the deck.
            ·Counter Spy
            During your play phase, you may select another Hero, and ask that Hero to pick a suit. That Hero takes a hand card from you and shows it to you. If the resulting suit is not the same as his/her pick, then you cause 1 damage to your target (The target keeps that card regardless of the result, once per phase).

            DA Qiao (F,3) WU 006
            During your play phase, you may use any of your ♦ cards as "Contentment".
            You may discard one of your cards to transfer a "Strike" targeting you to another Hero within your weapon range, except for the attacker.

            LU Xun (M,3) WU 007
            Passive Ability: You cannot be the target of "Snatch" and/or "Contentment".
            Draw a card if you have no hand cards.

            SUN Shangxiang (F,3) WU 008
            During your play phase, you may discard two hand cards to target a male Hero and heal 1 unit of life for both of you (only if the male Hero is not at full life).
            Immediately draw two cards from the deck upon losing a card from the equipment field.

            IP属地:美国197楼2015-01-23 23:34

              IP属地:美国198楼2015-01-23 23:35

                SUN Jian (M,4) WU 009
                ·Heroic Spirit
                At the start of your start phase, if you are not at full health, you may choose another hero to do one of the following:
                1. Draw X cards, then discard 1 card.
                2. Draw 1 card, then discard X cards (where X is the amount of health you lost).
                Heroic Spirit, “英雄的,英勇的灵魂”,金甲原作,也和英姿的官方翻译“heroic”联系上,就用了。

                IP属地:美国199楼2015-01-23 23:41

                  SUN Ce (M,4) WU 010
                  Whenever you use or become the target of “Duel” or red color suit “Strike”, you may draw a card.
                  ·Heroic Paean
                  Trigger Ability: At the start of your start phase, if your life point is 1, you must reduce your max life point by 1, then permanently acquire the abilities “Heroic” and “Heroic Spirit”.
                  Monarch Ability: Heroes from “WU” may“point duel” you in their play phase (once per phase). If you win, you acquire both cards used in “point duel”. After “Heroic Paean” is triggered, you may refuse this “point duel”.
                  Ardor, “热情”,RC和金甲原译。
                  Heroic Paean, “英雄赞歌”,金甲原译,和英姿和英魂有联系(其实如果可以改游卡的官方翻译的话,我更愿意把魂姿叫做Heroic,英姿叫做Heroic bearing)。

                  IP属地:美国200楼2015-01-23 23:49

                    IP属地:美国来自Android客户端201楼2015-01-24 00:05

                      XIAO Qiao (F,3) WU 011
                      Whenever you receive damage, you may discard a ♥ hand card and divert the damage to another hero. That hero then draws X cards (where X is the amount of health he/she lost).
                      ·Rosy Charm
                      Passive Ability: Your ♠ cards are regarded as ♥ cards.
                      Allure, “引诱,诱惑”。RC原译“Heavenly Scent”,“天上的香味”;战艾译为“Heavenly Fragrance”,“天上的芳香”;均未直译。金甲译为“Peony Minor”,本应与大乔的“Peony Major”对应,但官方给大乔翻了个beauty- -。契合技能又和大乔稍微联系上,选用了“Allure”。
                      Rosy Charm,“玫瑰红的魅力”。RC译为“Youthful Beauty”,“年轻的美人”;金甲作“Scarlet”,“鲜红的”。红颜有本意有引申义不好直译,就取了“红”和引申的美人之意,翻译为“Rosy Charm”。

                      IP属地:美国204楼2015-01-25 04:16

                        TAISHI Ci (M,4) WU 012
                        ·Divine Justice
                        During your play phase, you may “point duel” another hero. If you win, you acquire following abilities until the end of the phase:1. You have infinite attack range. 2. You may use one extra “Strike”. 3. Your “Strike” may target one extra hero. If you do not win, you cannot use “Strike” until the end of the phase. You may use this ability once per phase.
                        Divine Justice, “神圣的正义”,金甲原译。RC原作“Justice of Heaven”,“天堂的正义”。

                        IP属地:美国205楼2015-01-25 05:21

                          ZHOU Tai (M,4) WU 013
                          Whenever you lose a health when your life point is 0 or less, you may reveal the top card of the deck and put it on your hero card. If you do not have at least 2 cards with the same point on your hero card, you do not die; if there are cards on your hero card sharing the same point, you goes into “Near Death” state.
                          Tenacity,“坚韧,不屈不挠”,金甲原作。RC原作“Refuting Death”,“反驳死亡”,应该是误拼了“refusing death”,“拒绝死亡”。tenacity足够把“不屈”的意思表达出来,就不用生硬地往技能上套了。

                          IP属地:美国206楼2015-01-25 05:27

                            LU Su (M,3) WU 014
                            During your draw phase, you may draw two extra cards. If you have more than 5 hand cards after drawing, you must give half of your hand cards (round down) to another hero who has the least hand cards.
                            ·Alliance Formation
                            During your play phase, you may choose two other heroes. You discard X cards (where X is the difference between those two heroes’ hand card size), then those two heroes exchange their hand cards. You may use this ability once per phase.
                            Alliance formation,“结盟;联盟的形成”。金甲原译“Alliance Pact”,“联盟的契约”;RC原译“Alliance”,“联盟”。本人认为三国时期的联盟更像是两张嘴一说就结盟了,就没采用“契约”而改为简单的“结成,形成”。

                            IP属地:美国207楼2015-01-25 05:36

                              ZHANG Zhao & ZHANG Hong
                              ·Firm Advisor
                              During your play phase, you may put an equipment card from your hand to another hero’s equipment field, then draw a card. You may not replace existing equipment.
                              At the end of another hero’s discard phase, you may return a card that was discarded during this phase back to his/her hand. If you do so, you may acquire all other cards that were discarded during this phase.
                              Firm Advisor,“立场坚定的顾问”。金甲原译“Firm Adviser”,只是把adviser改为在美国更常用的advisor。

                              IP属地:美国208楼2015-01-25 05:41