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YU Jin (M,4) YJ010
Passive Ability: When you have no armor equipped, black color suit “Strikes” have no effects against you.
Resolute, “坚毅,果决”,RC原作,稍微偏离原技能“毅重”,但简洁明了,故用之。很多其它表示“坚定不移”的词语如perseverance或persistence都有“不屈不挠”的意思在里面,跟周泰的技能有些重复,就否决了。

IP属地:美国114楼2015-01-21 01:40
    ZHANG Chunhua (F,3) YJ011
    Passive Ability: Damage caused by you is considered loss of health.
    Outside of your discard phase, whenever the number of your hand cards is less than the number of health you lost, you may replenish your hand cards to the number of health you lost.
    Ruthless, “无情的”;Bereavement,“丧亲,丧亡”,均是RC原作,和原技能没有多大出入,不解释了。

    IP属地:美国115楼2015-01-21 01:45
      ZHANG Chunhua (F,3) YJ011
      Passive Ability: Damage caused by you is considered loss of health.
      Outside of your discard phase, whenever the number of your hand cards is less than X, you may replenish your hand cards to X (where X is the number of health you lost and cannot be greater than 2).

      IP属地:美国116楼2015-01-21 01:48

        IP属地:美国118楼2015-01-21 02:08

          CAO Zhang (M,4) YJ102
          ·Versatile Fighter
          During the draw phase, you may choose one of the following:
          1. Draw one extra card, then you cannot play or use any “Strike” until the end of the turn.
          2. Draw one less card, then you may use one extra “Strike” during your play phase, and your “Strikes” may target one extra hero until the end of the turn.
          Versatile Fighter, “多才多艺的斗士”,RC原作。这里的“Versatile”就是张颌技能的形容词形式,和技能有明显的联系,也就没有按照直译再去修改。

          IP属地:美国120楼2015-01-21 02:15
            WANG Yi (F,3) YJ110
            ·Unstained Death
            Before your judgment card does any effect, you may reveal the top card of the deck to replace it.
            ·Mystic Scheme
            Atthe start of your start or end phase, if you are not at full health, you may do a judgment. If the result is black, you may look at the top X cards from the deck and give them to a hero (where X is the amount of health you lost).
            Unstained Death, “清白的死亡”, 本人渣翻。RC原作“Death over Desecration”,意思是(选择)死亡而不是被亵污,实在是不像个技能名。“贞烈”这个概念在美国就很少出现,更别说特定的词语了。选择了“没有污染,清白的死亡”也算是稍微婉转的翻译。
            Mystic Scheme,“神秘的计策”。RC原作“Hatch a Plan”,直译“孵化计划”,表达孕育出一个计策的意思,同样,完全不像个技能名,而且还没表达出原技能的涵义。把“plan”换成“scheme”,也是因为“Scheme”有“神秘的计划,阴谋”的一层语义在里面,比直接的“计划”要好一些。

            IP属地:美国121楼2015-01-21 02:26
              WANG Yi (F,3) YJ110
              ·Unstained Death
              When you become the target of another hero’s “Strike” or “Scroll”, you may choose to lose one life, then that card has no effect on you and you discard one of that hero’s card.
              ·Mystic Scheme
              At the start of your end phase, if you are not at full health, you may draw X cards then give X hand cards to another hero (where X is the amount of health you lost).

              IP属地:美国122楼2015-01-21 02:30

                XUN You (M,3) YJ111
                During your play phase, you may use all your hand cards (at least one) as an instant “Scroll” of your choice. You may use this ability once per phase.
                ·Pretended Idiocy
                “After damage taken”, you may draw a card and reveal all your hand card. If they all have the same color, the damage source must discard one hand card.
                Prodigy, “奇才”。RC原作“Contrivance”,意为“发明”或“计谋”,并没有表现出原技能中“奇”字的妙处。此处改为“奇才”,稍微改变了意思但本人认为还是合理的。
                Pretended Idiocy,“装出来的愚笨”。本来“智愚”是出自艹艹对荀攸的评价“外愚内智”,更有“智可及愚不可及”的超高评价。RC翻译为“Playing Dumb”,意为“装傻(充愣)”。。。就算意思基本一样,不符合高大上原则,换之。

                IP属地:美国123楼2015-01-21 02:44
                  = =没人看。。。都睡觉了咩?

                  IP属地:美国124楼2015-01-21 02:46

                    GUO Huai (M,4) YJ204
                    ·Precise Strategy
                    At the end of your play phase, if you have used X or more cards this turn (where X is the amount of health you have), you may draw two cards.
                    Pricise Strategy, “精确的计策”,可能是所有翻译中我最不满意的了,也是因为没有找到典故,不知道这个“精”在这里代表什么意思。反正这样的直译实在是不喜欢,要是找到典故之后一定改。

                    IP属地:美国129楼2015-01-21 06:31

                      MAN Chong (M,4) YJ208
                      During play phase, you may discard X cards and make another hero to discard a hand card that is not the same type with any of the cards you discarded. If he/she does not do so, flip his/her hero card and make he/she draw X cards. You may use this ability once per phase.
                      ·Royal Plan
                      “After damage taken”, you may reveal acard. The damage source discards a hand card with different type, otherwise you regain one health.
                      Royal Plan, “皇家计划”。。。“御策”。。。带计和策的我貌似翻得都不太好。。。见笑见笑了。

                      IP属地:美国130楼2015-01-21 06:35

                        IP属地:美国来自Android客户端131楼2015-01-21 06:44

                          IP属地:美国136楼2015-01-21 14:56

                            MAN Chong (M,4) YJ208
                            During play phase, you may discard X hand cards (at least one) and make another hero to discard a hand card that is not the same type with any of the cards you discarded. If he/she does not do so, flip his/her hero card and make he/she draw X cards. You may use this ability once per phase.
                            ·Tactical Defense
                            “After damage taken”, you may reveal a hand card. Damage source must discard a hand card with a different type or let you regain one health.
                            Tactical Defense,“策略性防守”。之前翻译成“Royal Plan”。。。因为把“御策”的“御”理解为皇帝的意思了- -感谢@绯雨小闲丸 的提醒,本人从买了二将之后没有买过其他补充包- -也不玩OL- -也是历史渣- -说实话也就只记得演义里他劝降徐晃,其他的完全不知道- -。。。也许其他的翻译大概也会有这样的问题吧,希望大家及时指出。

                            IP属地:美国137楼2015-01-21 15:11
                              = =蜀武将被吞了。。。。

                              IP属地:美国139楼2015-01-21 15:36