@意林天边 这里有一篇关于Action 1D的文章,要不要考虑看看?
From Deadheads to Directioners: Charitable Fan Armies
Even if every artist has fans, not all of them have what you'd consider a fan army -- an active, organized group of people who share the same undying love for an artist. Some fan armies -- when they're not coordinating efforts to support their favorite artist on Billboard's Fan Army Face Off -- are so well-coordinated that they've started using their online presence for real-world good.
One of the longest-running fan armies in rock also created one of the first official charities run by rock fans. The Grateful Dead created the Rex Foundation to serve various charitable causes in 1983, and the Deadhead family has been running the operation successfully since then.
Aside from Phish taking musical inspiration from the Grateful Dead, their fans have taken inspiration from Deadheads' charitable efforts, too. Two Phan-organized charities, the Mimi Fishman Foundation and the Mockingbird Foundation, announced in 2010 that they'd raised a combined $1 million from Phish fans for charity. Nothing phishy about that.
On the pop side, One Direction -- whose fans have been organizing charitable efforts unofficially for a few years -- recently started rallying Directioners worldwide to the Action/1D cause, which addresses everything from global poverty to climate change.