三部敢死队中最动容的 无疑是 第三部Barney在酒吧说的那段 - U know, it's very hard for me to say this. But at one time, u guys were the best. Maybe still are. But nothing lasts forever. Hard as it is to hear, we aren't the future anymore. Unfortunately for us, we're part of the past. 人力终敌不过天命. 多少感慨.. 这段直接给后文埋下了伏笔 当Barney带着Gaglo准备单独出航的时候 四个老队员的出现 相信所有的男性都可以潸然泪下。 感动得无以言说 豆瓣的那帮撒比文青 又懂什么情怀呢? 还有喊龙大爷别拍了的 我CNMLG的 你懂个屁 动作片皇帝的情怀是你们能懂的? 老骥伏枥的情怀是你们能领会的? 雄性荷尔蒙是你们这种小受永远无法理解的存在!