Severance inthe machine of connection must be deliberate. Where opinion and desire flowalong paths of least resistance and affirmation or disavowal alike are quantifiedby views, where protest is as simple as a reblog and complex emotionalexperiences are summed up using appropriated images, purposeful unlinking is adissonant gesture. Others lookup, temporarily stunned: the click thatun-friends is the loudest of all. …….
小伙伴们,看呆了吗?是不是跟小马君一样,开始深深怀疑自己的眼睛了:“这写的是个啥?!”不要急,小马君跟你一样,被这篇高深的小文章虐呆了,这个牛闪闪的小段落来自知名大牛网站aeon上一位叫Claire L Evans 的哥们儿的一篇习作Luddite love,文章对网络对于现代社会中的沟通和人际关系的影响做了精辟深入的分析,看罢之后怕是三观都要刷新几个维度,里面的遣词造句更是没得说,妙到不懂(看这摘取的一小段就造了)。有的同学可能要问了,这么够不着的东西你跟我说干啥?!呵呵,问题就在这里了,这么够不着的天上星,看小马君如何帮你粘到写作中,无缝对接,亮瞎考官神眼,满分爆棚!
1,比如我们看文中某个段落中摘取的这一句:Throughouthistory this paradoxical, essentially philosophical proposal todecelerate in order to appreciate brevity has arisen at cusps of technologicalchange.
这里的paradoxical 表示自相矛盾,自相矛盾大家都知道啊,这有啥用呢?用处大了!还很妙!我们可以把它用在主语从句中,引述貌似矛盾的现象或者观点表达出让步的语气,而实际上不是的。(是不是把一般的主语从句甩出8条街?是不是把平时的观点表达句又甩出8条街?)
比如用在这个机经题中:Lettinga friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that maydestroy the friendship.
我们可以来上这么一句:It might seem paradoxical that honestly pointing out friends’ mistakes and errors will be more likely to consolidate the friendship,but it makes sense. 怎么样?个中滋味自行回味!
2,再看文中摘取的这一句:To speak ill of the internet, to waxnostalgic about the smell of old paper or deliberately stake out anoffline life, seems reactionary and contrived.
这里的stake out 是表明立场的意思,这能用的地方就多了,因为作为一个主观题,在作文中我们实在是有很多地方需要表明观点啊!
比如用在这个机经题中:Governmentsshould focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economicdevelopment.
我们可以来上这么一句:As the air pollution in Beijing continued to worsen, the municipalgovernment finally staked out the claim that all the small factoriessurrounding Beijing, which were widely considered as a major source of thepollution, should be shut down as soon as possible.(例句也太闪亮了有木有,小本本抄下来啊)
3,再看这一句:It is easier than ever to self-punishthrough voyeurism, of course, but now tactics for avoidance are so similar tostrategies for stalking, so equal in the all-seeing indifference of the web,that even average heartbreak can take on sinister dimensions.
闪亮度5颗星的好看又好用!简化下来这句话的主要结构是“It is easier than ever to…, but now … so…., … so …, that…”,由but连接的并列句,在前一个分句中用到比较级结构,后一个分句中用到so…that…的结果状语从句。有前后对比,妥妥的今昔对比题的必杀技!
随便看个机经题,今昔对比的:Teachingis harder than it was in the past.
Due to the rapiddevelopment of Internet and information technology, it is easier than ever toobtain useful learning materials and teaching resources, which only takes oneclick of the mouse, but now so high are parents’ expectations for education, so diversified are students’ individual needs, that it is harder than ever for teachers to makesound and satisfying education possible.
还有更多的,不敢一口气给大家啊!会醉的!如此闪亮又深情的大牛文为我所用,不怕考官不醉!而且每一句都经过小马精英名师们去粗取精深入浅出一键美化,拿去不谢!深情神马的,高深神马的,我也会啊!最后的最后,附赠牛文中的小句子一枚与大家依依惜别下期再会。 :)
Old relationships should fade like a photograph, not haunt yoursocial networks forever.
小伙伴们,看呆了吗?是不是跟小马君一样,开始深深怀疑自己的眼睛了:“这写的是个啥?!”不要急,小马君跟你一样,被这篇高深的小文章虐呆了,这个牛闪闪的小段落来自知名大牛网站aeon上一位叫Claire L Evans 的哥们儿的一篇习作Luddite love,文章对网络对于现代社会中的沟通和人际关系的影响做了精辟深入的分析,看罢之后怕是三观都要刷新几个维度,里面的遣词造句更是没得说,妙到不懂(看这摘取的一小段就造了)。有的同学可能要问了,这么够不着的东西你跟我说干啥?!呵呵,问题就在这里了,这么够不着的天上星,看小马君如何帮你粘到写作中,无缝对接,亮瞎考官神眼,满分爆棚!
1,比如我们看文中某个段落中摘取的这一句:Throughouthistory this paradoxical, essentially philosophical proposal todecelerate in order to appreciate brevity has arisen at cusps of technologicalchange.
这里的paradoxical 表示自相矛盾,自相矛盾大家都知道啊,这有啥用呢?用处大了!还很妙!我们可以把它用在主语从句中,引述貌似矛盾的现象或者观点表达出让步的语气,而实际上不是的。(是不是把一般的主语从句甩出8条街?是不是把平时的观点表达句又甩出8条街?)
比如用在这个机经题中:Lettinga friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that maydestroy the friendship.
我们可以来上这么一句:It might seem paradoxical that honestly pointing out friends’ mistakes and errors will be more likely to consolidate the friendship,but it makes sense. 怎么样?个中滋味自行回味!
2,再看文中摘取的这一句:To speak ill of the internet, to waxnostalgic about the smell of old paper or deliberately stake out anoffline life, seems reactionary and contrived.
这里的stake out 是表明立场的意思,这能用的地方就多了,因为作为一个主观题,在作文中我们实在是有很多地方需要表明观点啊!
比如用在这个机经题中:Governmentsshould focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economicdevelopment.
我们可以来上这么一句:As the air pollution in Beijing continued to worsen, the municipalgovernment finally staked out the claim that all the small factoriessurrounding Beijing, which were widely considered as a major source of thepollution, should be shut down as soon as possible.(例句也太闪亮了有木有,小本本抄下来啊)
3,再看这一句:It is easier than ever to self-punishthrough voyeurism, of course, but now tactics for avoidance are so similar tostrategies for stalking, so equal in the all-seeing indifference of the web,that even average heartbreak can take on sinister dimensions.
闪亮度5颗星的好看又好用!简化下来这句话的主要结构是“It is easier than ever to…, but now … so…., … so …, that…”,由but连接的并列句,在前一个分句中用到比较级结构,后一个分句中用到so…that…的结果状语从句。有前后对比,妥妥的今昔对比题的必杀技!
随便看个机经题,今昔对比的:Teachingis harder than it was in the past.
Due to the rapiddevelopment of Internet and information technology, it is easier than ever toobtain useful learning materials and teaching resources, which only takes oneclick of the mouse, but now so high are parents’ expectations for education, so diversified are students’ individual needs, that it is harder than ever for teachers to makesound and satisfying education possible.
还有更多的,不敢一口气给大家啊!会醉的!如此闪亮又深情的大牛文为我所用,不怕考官不醉!而且每一句都经过小马精英名师们去粗取精深入浅出一键美化,拿去不谢!深情神马的,高深神马的,我也会啊!最后的最后,附赠牛文中的小句子一枚与大家依依惜别下期再会。 :)
Old relationships should fade like a photograph, not haunt yoursocial networks forever.