The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.
“税收优惠政策”指对某些纳税人和征税对象给予鼓励和照顾的一种特殊规定,比如,免除其应缴的complete or partial tax exemption,或者按照其缴纳税款的一定比例给予返还等,从而减轻其税收负担。
《通知》对management of public finance expenditure作了规范,明确未经国务院批准,各地区、各部门不得对企业规定财政优惠政策。
2、complete or partial tax exemption
5、management of public finance expenditure
6、The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.
1、税收优惠政策 preferential tax measures/policies
2、complete or partial tax exemption 全部或部分免税
3、优惠待遇 preferential treatment
4、优惠关税税率 preferential tariff rates
5、management of public finance expenditure 财政支出预算管理
6、The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.国务院发通知规范地方税收优惠政策,这些政策可能会对市场机制和宏观调控产生不利 影响,在个别情况下或可导致国际贸易摩擦。
The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.
“税收优惠政策”指对某些纳税人和征税对象给予鼓励和照顾的一种特殊规定,比如,免除其应缴的complete or partial tax exemption,或者按照其缴纳税款的一定比例给予返还等,从而减轻其税收负担。
《通知》对management of public finance expenditure作了规范,明确未经国务院批准,各地区、各部门不得对企业规定财政优惠政策。
2、complete or partial tax exemption
5、management of public finance expenditure
6、The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.
1、税收优惠政策 preferential tax measures/policies
2、complete or partial tax exemption 全部或部分免税
3、优惠待遇 preferential treatment
4、优惠关税税率 preferential tariff rates
5、management of public finance expenditure 财政支出预算管理
6、The State Council, China's cabinet, recently issued a notice on trimming local preferential tax measures that may impair market mechanisms and macro controls, in some cases leading to international trade frictions.国务院发通知规范地方税收优惠政策,这些政策可能会对市场机制和宏观调控产生不利 影响,在个别情况下或可导致国际贸易摩擦。