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As always, we will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. For any bugs/issues you run into, please let us know by filing it on the feedback tracker:
新物品 New Items:
V3S卡车 V3S
吉利服(吉利帽子,布条,衣服) Ghillie Suite (Hood, Bushrag, Top)
吉利武器伪装布 Ghillie Weapon Wrap
油桶 Jerry can
军帐 Military Tent
人肉 Human Flesh
金属网 Netting
AUG步枪 Steyr Aug
有手枪握把的MP133散弹枪 MP133 with pistol grip
麻布条 Burlap strips
新机制 New Mechanics:
车辆 Vehicles
车辆加油 Vehicles refueling
传染性疾病 Prion Disease (Prion朊病毒 可以引起动物的疯牛病,人的克雅氏病、震颤病)
新的手工食谱 New crafting recipes
热传导更新 Updated heat transfer
给植物浇水 Watering plants
修复 Fixed:
呕吐的滥用从而获得能量 Abuse of vomiting to gain energy
修复头套 Mending balaclavas
分开和叠加网 Splitting and combining netting
分开和叠加麻布条 Splitting and combining burlap strips
弹药箱拖放到弹匣上 Ammo box dragging on magazines
叠加和分开蠕虫 Combining and splitting worms
挣脱手铐的修复 Breaking out of restraints fixes
用钥匙解开手铐 Uncuffing using keys
从地上捡起mp133 Picking up mp133 from the ground
测距仪的机制 Rangefinder mechanics
物品不再总是完美品质 Items are no longer pristine only
现在剥皮能正确的得到皮了 Skinning should now give pelts properly
V3S上坡 V3S going uphill
V3S物理模拟 V3S physics simulation
V3S对角色的伤害 V3S damage to characters
V3S撞击 V3S collisions
V3S加油的机制 V3S fueling mechanic
内存流出 Memory Leaks
还有很多! And a lot more!
已知的问题 Known Issues:
物品被锁在手上 Item locked in hands slot
物品有时候捡不起来 Items can't be picked up sometimes
左耳的声音有时候比较轻 Left earpice sound volume is lowered sometimes
吉利服有时候在信号棒,火化或者其他光源下会有较差的反射 Ghillie will probably react badly on chemlight, flare and other light sources
有的物品你不停地扔,会在半空中静止 Some items will freeze in midair when you throw them multiple times in a row
有的物品你直接从地上使用,会看上去复制了两个 Some items will visually duplicate themselves if used from the ground

IP属地:上海1楼2014-12-03 21:10回复

    IP属地:贵州来自Android客户端2楼2014-12-03 21:24

      3楼2014-12-03 21:35