A rabit came across with a tortoise on a road, the rabit jeered at the tortoise loudly,"How short your legs are, haha! I'm really ashamed for you". The tortoise felt blush on his face, saying "If we have a running race, I think I will win it, though my leg are shorter than yours". The word made rabit laugh and bent over, "You can win me? It's really a joke! Let's have a race tomorrow, I will make you sincerely convinced! Although there's a bit worry, the tortoise took the challenge. The 2nd day, when the race began, the rabit ran like an arrow whilst the tortoise was just corss over the starting line. He thought, “ I probably can win the game even having a short sleep", with this in mind, the rabit was falling into sleep. It's such a sweetie sleep, when the rabit was awake, the sun nearly went down, he tried his best to reach the finish line, while he found the tortoise was there resting already.