0. Ain Soph Aur,无数光,Endless Light
00. Ain Soph,无限,Limitlessness
000. Ain,无,Nothing
-. Tzimtzum,收缩,Contraction
1. Kether, 王冠, Crown
2. Chochmah, 智慧, Wisdom
3. Binah, 理解, Understanding
-. Da'at, 知识, Knowledge
4. Chesed, 慈悲, Mercy
5. Geburah, 严厉或力量, Severity / Fortitude
6. Tiphareth, 美丽或平衡, Beauty / Balance
7. Netzach, 胜利, Victory
8. Hod, 宏伟, Splendour
9. Yesod, 基础, the Foundation
10. Malkuth, 王国, the Kingdom」
0. Ain Soph Aur,无数光,Endless Light
00. Ain Soph,无限,Limitlessness
000. Ain,无,Nothing
-. Tzimtzum,收缩,Contraction
1. Kether, 王冠, Crown
2. Chochmah, 智慧, Wisdom
3. Binah, 理解, Understanding
-. Da'at, 知识, Knowledge
4. Chesed, 慈悲, Mercy
5. Geburah, 严厉或力量, Severity / Fortitude
6. Tiphareth, 美丽或平衡, Beauty / Balance
7. Netzach, 胜利, Victory
8. Hod, 宏伟, Splendour
9. Yesod, 基础, the Foundation
10. Malkuth, 王国, the Kingdom」