“We are sorry it took anemer-gency injunction request to the court of appeals to get Idaho to halt thisillegal program, and we hope that the federal government in the future willtake more seriously its public trust responsibility to protect the wildernessfrom state efforts to exterminate native wildlife,” said Tim Preso, an attorneywith EarthJustice.
Not far away in the eponymousriver town of Salmon, townsfolk staged a controversial “hunting derby”promising participants prizes for killing wolves and felling as many coyotes aspossible. No wolves were killed, but organizers vowed to hold the competitionagain. Even local law enforcement in Idaho has appeared to support, at leastrhetorically, the wolf poaching by vigilantes vowing to kill wolves, anapproach known as “shoot, shovel and shut-up.”
Elsewhere this year,sharpshooters with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s notorious WildlifeServices chased and gunned down 23 wolves from a helicopter, ostensibly to helpbolster elk numbers—even though scientific evidence shows that changes inhabitat, years of drought and predation by wolves and other predators,particularly mountain lions and bears, also play a significant role in shapingelk numbers.