The beauty of that smile surprised me.I thought that snowbergs would be almost thawed by that soft and comely smile.(我不由有些惊讶于那笑靥的美,仿佛亘古不变的雪峰都要被那样柔和而清爽的笑容给溶化掉了。)
Thick burnt bodies' smell corraded me with burnt wood' smoke. I covered my mouth, restrainded the strong feel of sicchasia desperately ( 一股浓稠的尸体焦臭味搀杂着木材燃烧的熏烟朝我侵蚀过来,我用手捂着自己的嘴,拼命抑制住自己体内翻江倒海的反胃感。)
All the things in my view were bending because of high temperture. All those beautiful houses were burnt and made some terrible sounds. Some of them have been burnt to be the charcoal. (视野里的一切都因为高温而不断扭曲着,那些曾经的琼楼玉宇被烈火灼烧出劈里啪啦的声响,有的甚至已经变成了一摊木黑炭。)
My eyes were filled of the image of black and black red fire, as it has burnt for many years. How could I face up to the reality? It wasn't hell, it is my home.(我的瞳孔中是无尽的火焰,黢黑与暗红交错在一起,仿佛已燃烧了无数年月。我如何去接受这个现实。这儿不是地狱,是我的家。)