When special vexed keep calm first or see a happy film ordrink a large glass of water and don*t try to chat with a friend is a friend to share with you a happy person and not share your pain of the people don*t do a naggingcomplaints from now on to learn to resolve to bear wish you well will not catch cold upset gas impatient
特别烦的时候 先保持冷静 或者看一部开心的电影 或者喝一大杯水 不要试图跟朋友聊天 朋友是跟你分享快乐的人 而不是分享你痛苦的人 不要做一个唠唠叨叨的抱怨者 从现在起 要学会自己去化解 去承受 愿你安好 不会感冒 不会心烦气躁