You don't know why I leave you insist that I can't say to let you cry your tears like rain broke ground in mind clear 你不知道我为什么离开你 我坚持不能说放任你哭泣你的泪滴像倾盆大雨碎了满地在心里清晰
Eye I could see the success has the ear I can hearapplause hand I can touch the heart I can make effortswhat glory I have what qualifications I have no effort 有眼我就能看到成功 有耳我就能听到掌声 有手我就能碰到荣耀 有心我就能奋发图强 我什么都有 我有什么资格不努力
Don't always make the stranger for some petty favors when is great kindness but the side those hell-bentpeople of hello as behoove 别总是把陌生人给的一些小恩小惠当做是大恩大德却把身边那些死心塌地对你好的人当做理所当然