Finally the work is paid~♪
Negotiation part of job doesnt have to be seemed as a nightmare to me, however up till now i'm still calling for my shettered confidence & belif upon this blog ever since its reconstruction. (´δ‘
Ganbarre ~ Keep on skating Shizuka, all my efforts are exceptionally made for you!
|川 ‘ ー´川 |
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧ 荒川王国の夜が明ける・・
__ __...| ̄田 ̄田 / ̄ ̄∏ . ∩ |'|「|'''|「|||:ll;|
/ \ /__,|==/\=ハ, ̄ ̄|「| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|「| ̄ ̄|
/ ヽ ../_| ロ ロ 「 ̄ ̄ ̄ | | 田 |「| 田 田 .|「|〔〔〔〔|
=-=-=-=-=-=- |ll.|ロ ロ,/| l⌒l.l⌒l.| | |「| |「|ミミミミミミ
Finally the work is paid~♪
Negotiation part of job doesnt have to be seemed as a nightmare to me, however up till now i'm still calling for my shettered confidence & belif upon this blog ever since its reconstruction. (´δ‘
Ganbarre ~ Keep on skating Shizuka, all my efforts are exceptionally made for you!
|川 ‘ ー´川 |
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧ 荒川王国の夜が明ける・・
__ __...| ̄田 ̄田 / ̄ ̄∏ . ∩ |'|「|'''|「|||:ll;|
/ \ /__,|==/\=ハ, ̄ ̄|「| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|「| ̄ ̄|
/ ヽ ../_| ロ ロ 「 ̄ ̄ ̄ | | 田 |「| 田 田 .|「|〔〔〔〔|
=-=-=-=-=-=- |ll.|ロ ロ,/| l⌒l.l⌒l.| | |「| |「|ミミミミミミ