英语教学论坛吧 关注:121贴子:1,146



标题是我在 2014年 10月 10日在 “英语吧” 出的一个新的帖子的名字。希望各位去阅读!

1楼2014-10-24 10:45回复

    2楼2014-10-25 19:30
      今天中午又出了一个新的帖子题目是: 2014Oct31 容我慢慢回应 Moore Yuan 的留言
      ---------------- 备个案!

      6楼2014-10-31 12:49
        The title of my talk: Episodes at the Retirement Village
        (1)On July 1st, XXX Retirement Village, where my wife and I have been staying since
        last January, held the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for its second stage
        construction. Many guests from 富阳 and 金色年华 were invited to attend the Ceremony.
        After the ceremony, I saw a foreign gentleman sitting in the lobby by himself. Since most
        people there could not speak fluent English, I came close to him and chatted. After
        conversing with him, I got to know his name is Steven Cuveliar from Huntsville,Texas.
        His business card shows that he is an Associated Professor of Criminal Justice and
        Director of Digital Technology Initiatives at the Sam HoustonState University.
        To be continued

        8楼2014-11-05 19:52
          (2)On the same day after lunch, I met a young college student named XXY, who was
          then a sophomore student majoring in Foreign Relations at 宁波 Nottingha University.
          For enriching her vacation life she came to the RetirementVillage to work as a volunteer
          at the reception desk. As she intends to考研 in the future, so she’s keen to improve her
          During our dialogue, I told her about my current research work. When I started to
          introduce to her the radical 水 in simple English words, to my surprise, she responded
          that she had read a book also carries the saying that letter w at the beginning of some
          English words are equivalent to the Chinese radical 水 or 女。 She promised to give me
          the book’s title after she returned to宁波. At the end of last August, through email she
          informed me the title was 雅思9分密码---词汇 written by 何满. Soon, I borrowed the book
          from the Public Library. It’s a 16开 book with 368 pages. Currently, I’ve been reading the
          book, as well as 马秉义、邓万勇’s books on English vocabulary to make up the
          deficiencies of my research.
          【to be continued】

          9楼2014-11-06 09:03
            (3) About a former member of our Spoken English Club:
            Most of the members here know Mr.蒋纬, who was one of the leading members of
            our Club about ten years ago. As he has to take care of his wife, who is 4 years older
            than him, around 2008 Mr.蒋纬 stopped participating in the activities of our Club.
            However, from time to time our Club members, including myself, still keep in touch
            with him.
            Last June, after consulting with me and the exploration of their daughter, Mr. and
            Mrs.蒋纬 moved to XXX Retirement Village. They were glad to join the community
            here. And soon Mr.蒋纬 presented two documents to me. One was the first part of
            his memoir and the other one was a notebook.
            An event in his memoir worth mentioning was during his teenage he and scores of
            Chinese young men were unfortunately caught by Japanese armed force and the
            invader would make them do hard manual labor. When the captives were forced
            to march to another town under the supervision of only a few Japanese soldiers,
            蒋 was smart enough to grasp a rare, narrow (勉强的) chance stealthily (偷偷地) left
            the poor marching crowd and successfully escaped from the misfortune.
            The notebook was his personal minute book (会议记录薄) for our Spoken English
            Club during 2003 to 2005. Though the cover of the book seems worn, the contents
            in it were precious. A proverb in the book states: Life is too short, to be little. Its
            Chinese translation reads: 人生苦短休计较。
            【后面还有一个结尾。As it*s in Chinese, I won*t copy it to this post】

            10楼2014-11-06 09:15
              今天早上发现网友 wangbailic 的题为《英语26个字母周期表,拼音与英语字母含义高度一致》的帖子中的一个论点与我的认知颇为一致。 他在帖子中写道:汉字部首分类作用很强,所以部首能对应英文字母。... ... 英文字母 R 含义之一,对应汉字部首 “辶”。
              他接着 举出 数十个以字母 R 开始单词来显示。

              11楼2014-11-07 05:30
                2013年我在 《单词》吧出的题为:

                12楼2014-11-18 16:34
                  【下面分三次谈一谈在 “英文前缀” 中的汉英间的相似点】
                  (壹)英文前缀 re- 具有三种主要的含义:1. 返回 (come back);2. 反复、重复 (again);3. 反对 (against)。
                  值得指出的奇特现象是:这三个含义均与汉语读音 “fan” 有关。下面列出具有这三种含义的典型与常用单词(注意:更多的类似词汇由读者自己补充。):
                  A. Come back 返回:----- return v./n.返回,remember v.回忆起,reply v./n.回答; 答复
                  ---------------------------------- recallv./n.回忆; 回想起,respond v.回答; 回应, reclaim v.收回
                  B. again 反复、修复:----- repeat v./n.重复,repair v./n.修理; 修复,recoverv./n.恢复; 康复
                  ----------------------------------- review v./n.复习,revive v.复活,renew v.续借; 更新
                  C. against 反对:----- refuse v.拒绝,resist v.反抗,reaction n.反作用,reflect v.反射
                  -------------------------- reject v.不接受; 拒收,rebel v./n.反抗; 反抗者
                  有的读者也许会问:返回 (come back) 与 反复 (again) 二者有什么内在关系呢?

                  13楼2014-11-26 11:28
                    (贰)英文前缀 ex- 具有三种主要含义:
                    1. 输出的“出”,如 export;2. 排除的“除”,如 exclude;3. 尽绝,如 exhaust。
                    A. 具有“出”的含义的词汇:--- export v./n.输出;出口;exit n.(建筑物)出口处
                    ---------------- excellent a.杰出的,exhibit v.展出; 陈列,extract v.取出; 摘录
                    B. 具有“除”的含义的词汇:--- exclude v.排除, expel v.开除, exempt v.免除
                    ---------------- except 除…之外, exile v.放逐; 流放
                    C. 具有“尽绝”的含义的词汇:--- exhaust v.耗尽,extinguish v.熄灭
                    ---------------- exterminate v.灭绝,extinct a./n.灭绝的,expire v.过期; 死亡
                    有读者也许会问:汉字的“出、除 (含‘逐’字)” 二者有什么内在关系?
                    回答:“出” 属于主动的行动,如:日出、输出;而 “除、逐” 属于被动的动作,如:开除、驱逐。
                    这样成对的动词在西方语言中是常见的,即所谓 “自动词 与 他动词”。在英文中有少数成对的动词,如:rise 升起 / raise 举起;--- lie 躺下 / lay 放置;--- sit 坐 / set 安置。

                    15楼2014-11-26 15:57

                      16楼2014-12-24 20:19
                        My today's answer for a English beginner:
                        背单词的字母(spelling)-------应该结合该单词的读音,包括知晓 "英文单词的读音规则“。

                        18楼2015-09-23 19:50
                          网民 “三维构成” 日前在标题为【went是go亲生的么】的帖子上留言如下: went 是 go亲生的么?为什么长得她妈都不认识?英语为什么要这样没规矩,欺负我们学英语的。不能像 did 那样长得像一点么?

                          21楼2016-01-22 15:39
                            “三维构成” 提的问题【went 是 go 亲生的吗?】很好。让我来回答:
                            英文单词中原来有个 wend, 其意思与 go 差不多。其过去式就是 went。
                            犹如 send 的过去式是 sent 一样。
                            由于 wend 知名度不高。但是 went 却很常用。我认为:英国人就把 went 当做 go 的过去式。于是就有: go ----- went ----- gone 了。

                            22楼2016-01-22 15:42
                              清华大学外语系 覃学岚副教授 的文章中提及 1990年代的往事,原文摘录如下:
                              拙文发表一年后,突然有一天我收到了从杭州寄来的一封信。这封信的作者不是别人,正是关靖华先生,关先生在信中阐述了自己 “冒昧” 地给我写信的理由,并对拙文大加赞赏,我看了自然很高兴。但也有一处令我稍有不悦,因为关先生除了表示希望我回信之外,还希望我告知自己的年龄,并在自己的署名之后刻意地写上了 “时年63岁” 几个字,我不知道关先生的用意,但好歹这封信对我是肯定的多,于是我及时给关先生回了信,并尊重关先生的意思,如实地告知了自己的年龄。

                              23楼2016-01-24 08:22