-No, it's too early.
-Yeah, you'd be surprised how strongly armed services feels about punctuality. You want me to get busted for going AWOL?
-What i want is for you to stand there in that effity white uniform with your Harvard mouth and show me some effing courtesy.
-Well, i appreciate you keeping it PG-13 for me, I'm delicate.
-I got you off murder charges, i can beat an AWOL rap.
-Listen, it's 180 days, Veronica, what's 180 days to us? Our story is epic, spanning years, continents.
-Lives ruined, blood shed.
-Come back tome.
-Yeah, you'd be surprised how strongly armed services feels about punctuality. You want me to get busted for going AWOL?
-What i want is for you to stand there in that effity white uniform with your Harvard mouth and show me some effing courtesy.
-Well, i appreciate you keeping it PG-13 for me, I'm delicate.
-I got you off murder charges, i can beat an AWOL rap.
-Listen, it's 180 days, Veronica, what's 180 days to us? Our story is epic, spanning years, continents.
-Lives ruined, blood shed.
-Come back tome.