话不多少!!!!直接来!!!!! 来源于印度论坛,以下是正文: China bans tainted stars from TV, movie screens 中国封杀劣迹艺人 BEIJING: Stars who have used drugs, visitedprostitutes or been involved in other law-breaking will not be allowed toappear on Chinese television, movie screens or other forms of broadcast, state mediasaid on Thursday, following a series of scandals. 北京:继发生系列丑闻之后,国家媒体于周四报道,凡是有吸毒、嫖娼或涉嫌其他违法行为的艺人将不得出现在中国电视电影屏幕上,也不能以其他广播媒介出现。 The ban by the broadcast regulator, which includes radio and advertisements, ismeant to "keep the industry healthy", the official China Dailyreported. 据官方媒体中国日报报道,广播监管机构下达的禁令涵盖广播和广告领域,目的是“保持该行业健康发展”。 "Celebrities who break the law should not be invited to appear inprogrammes, and transmission of their words should be suspended," thenewspaper said, citing a statement from the regulator. 该报纸援引一名监管者的话报道,“不得邀请违法的名人参与制作广播电视节目,媒体也不传播他们的言语”。 "Recent cases involving stars using drugs or visiting prostitutes haveharmed the image of the entertainment industry and set a bad example for youngpeople," the newspaper added. 报纸还报道,“近来艺人吸毒嫖娼的案例已经损害了娱乐行业的形象,给年轻人立下了不良的榜样”。 Chinese prosecutors last month approved the arrest of Jaycee Chan, son of kungfu movie star Jackie Chan, after a suspected drugs offence, the latest in astring of celebrities to fall foul of the law. 中国的检察官们于上月批准逮捕功夫电影明星成龙的儿子房祖名,原因是房祖名涉嫌毒品犯罪。这是最近发生的一系列明星违法案例之一。
Babu ()58mins agoI think China is one of the best Countriesin the World. 我觉得中国是世界上最好的国家之一。 amei_sam ()Very good step India should fallow this step butit will quite impossible for western countries bcoz visiting the prostitute iswestern daily routine. 很不错的举措,印度应当追随。但这对西方国家来说是不可能实现的,因为嫖娼是西方国家的日常事务。 pdasnrb (India)In India it is the other way round!Such personalities are more prominent! 在印度,情况完全相反!这种做法才会让他们更加杰出!