1/1人认为该书评有用 4星三体2014/10/7 留自Genoa Golf The book is quite different from other science fiction books I've read. The story starts in China in 1967 during Cultural Revolution, and then picks up 40 years after that, most of the story is going on here, on Earth. Author imagined very interesting world on another planet, and describes earth's first interactions with it. The story has deep roots in China history and very much influenced by atrocities that took place in the 60's. There is a lot of physics and math involved, but it does not make the story dry or boring. I am looking forward for the next two installments. 本书与我之前读过的科幻小说相比有很大的不同。故事从1967年的中国开始,正值文/革,然后跳跃到40多年之后,故事主体从这个时间点在地球上展开。作者虚构出另一个星球上的大千世界,描写地球与之第一次接触。故事植根于中国历史,深受60年代发生的暴行的影响。涉及了非常多的物理学和数学,但并没有让故事变得枯燥无聊。我很期待接下来的两部。
I also liked translators notes throughout the book, with explanation of names and terms and historical events that were mostly unfamiliar to me, it greatly aided in reading. 我也很喜欢遍布全书的译者注,给出了人名、术语和历史事件的解释,绝大多数我都不熟悉,对阅读本书非常有帮助。
Storywise there is a lot to like about The Three-Body Problem. The characters are interesting and diverse enough, though maybe not developed very well, and the actual plot gets into some issues that deserve discussion. Unfortunately, as good as a translator as Ken Liu is with this book, the plot often gets lost when the science needs explaining and he doesn't exactly make it exciting. It's almost like reading a textbook at times, and one that I found myself glossing over at that. For as much as I understand of science, I realized that there is only so much astrophysics I can take at a time. There just happens to be a lot of it. The middle section does flow really well and the Three-Body virtual game chapters are beautifully realized. The third and final section just happens to slow way down and requires a bit of patience. 故事方面,《三体》有许多值得喜欢的。人物角色足够有趣和多样,尽管展开得不够充分。实际剧情引发的论点值得探讨。不幸的是,即便有刘Ken这样好的翻译,当需要解释科学部分的时候,剧情就变得迷惘,让人兴奋不起来,就觉得像是看教科书。就我的科学理解程度,我一次只能接受这么多天体物理知识,而书里偏偏有很多。中间部分非常流畅,三体虚拟游戏那几
If you're looking to expand your reading horizons in terms of foreign offerings, you'll get a sense of what Chinese science fiction has to offer here. Not a bad offering, just one that feels overly written at times and loses momentum frequently. 如果你期望扩展你对国外作品的阅读视野,从本书就可以一窥中国科幻小说之究竟。不算很糟的作品,只是有些地方着墨过多,频繁失去劲头
0/1人认为该书评有用 3星中段开始泄气,之后拖泥带水2014/10/5 留自Kelly Sottelbaum Through the first 20 chapters, this was a 4-5 star book (depending on how great the ending was.) Unfortunately, the ending was a long way away...and the book ends on chapter 35. 前20章节来看,本书可打4-5星(根据结局的优秀程度)。不幸的是,结局遥遥无期……,而本书在第35章就完结了。
Warning...past here, there may be spoilers as I try to explain where exactly this book went wrong. Nothing intentional, but with the rest of the glowing reviews, I feel like the odd case here, so I'll explain my reasoning... 警告……前方剧透。因为我要解释本书哪里有问题,不是有意要剧透,相较其他书评的盛赞,我自觉在这里有点异类,以下是我的理由。 The first part of the book, perhaps even the first half is good - there is something underfoot, with a number of subplots keeping the story moving and understanding the feelings of the characters at the time, and how that made them the person they would become later in the book...all very well done. With plenty of characters, and the handful we care about fleshed out well enough to relate to on some level, the book was introducing new elements all along. 书的第一部分甚至前半部都不错,很接地气,若干次要情节推动故事发展,帮助理解角色人物当时的感受以及为何会转变成后文的样子,都很棒。人物数量不少,形象丰满到能让人投入感情的角色屈指可数,全书上下一直在引入新元素。
Alas, the book slowly trudges onwards from there, in a mix of Scooby Doo (the evildoers explaining exactly what their plans are), some arbitrary science (hey, this is science fiction!), and throw in some James Bond for good measure...and the book kind of grinds to a halt. 哎,从此往后就开始拖沓了,变成“史酷比”(坏人会自己解释犯罪计划)加上不客观的科学(嘿,这该是正儿八经的科幻小说)的杂烩再添上点詹姆斯邦德做浇头,然后就停滞不前了。 To me, the book for all intents and purposes was "over" at around chapter 20. It could've been wrapped up in a few additional chapters, but the climax had already been gone (which was a bit of a letdown), and there was a substantial part of the book remaining without a climax or much in the way of immediate conflict. 对我而言,本书就该在第20章上下结束。或许可以再添几章别的,但高潮部分早过了(有点小失望),剩下好大一部分要么缺乏高潮要么直接冲突。
1/1人认为该书评有用 4星错综复杂的科幻小说,以文化和才智为媒介,深刻而审慎的读物2014/10/5 留自Quickbeam This epic story is one of science and human frailties. Beautifully translated from the 2006 work of Liu Cixin, it tells the science driven tale of theory, application and consequence of extending our hand beyond our world. A major feature of this dense book is a plot line involving gaming. This will probably mean far more to the gamers who read this than it did to me, The science is intense but by no means an insurmountable obstacle to enjoying this book. 这部史诗作品是关于科学与人类的脆弱性。本书优美地译自刘Cixin2006年的作品,讲述一个当我们的手伸向世界之外的理论、应用和后果的科幻故事。这部巨著的一大特点是涉及游戏的剧情线,对阅读本书的游戏玩家比对我本人更有意义的多。科学部分很浓厚,但绝不会成为欣赏本书的不可逾越的障碍。
The translator of this book (Ken Liu) did an extraordinary job of not only converting the Chinese to English but providing notes with cultural context. I felt like I came away with a far richer understanding of the impacts of modern Chinese history on the current generation. Excellent work. 本书译者刘Ken的工作非常出色,不仅在中翻英的译制上,还提供了许多文化内涵的注解。读完之后我自认为对中国现代史给当代人造成的影响有了更丰富的理解。非常棒。