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WCA and ESL in New York23:54 | 07 oktober 2014 | Akke
Got back from WCA yesterday and tomorrow we are leaving for ESL New York! After ESL we get at least 1 1/2 week before we leave for Starladder :). I’m satisfied with the result we got in WCA by getting the 3rd place. I feel like we could have placed higher but at the same time it’s better than I expected so over all I’m very happy!
Since Chessie got some problems with his back and can’t play at the moment we are going to use Hanni as a standin for ESL. Did you know me and Hanni played on the same Heroes of Newerth team for 1 1/2 year? :)
We also just had to forfeit 2 games in D2CL vs. fnatic and VP since we are bootcamping with Hanni right now for ESL and it’s not really possible to play vs. a team when one of their players are at the same place as you ^^. Also since Hanni is playing for fnatic we aren’t allowed to use him as a standin for VP (and not vs. his own team of course) which means we would have had to get another standin. We tried to reschedule the games but couldn’t :(.
Now it’s time for a good nights sleep, woke up quite early today to have time to wash my clothes after China, take care of some paper work with my company, spend some time with Bummi and practice with the team before next event. It’s fun when there are a lot of stuff happening, at least I can rest during the flights.. :D

IP属地:北京1楼2014-10-09 00:27回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-10-09 00:27
      akke真是慢性子 下面把翻译和配图简单附一下咯

      IP属地:北京4楼2014-10-09 00:28
        hanni 也是很牛掰的。可惜finatic 现在都走的差不多了

        IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端6楼2014-10-09 00:30

          来自Android客户端7楼2014-10-09 00:31
            Got back from WCA yesterday and tomorrow we are leaving for ESL New York! After ESL we get at least 1 1/2 week before we leave for Starladder :). I’m satisfied with the result we got in WCA by getting the 3rd place. I feel like we could have placed higher but at the same time it’s better than I expected so over all I’m very happy!
            昨天刚从WCA比完回来 明天又要去纽约打ESL了 累死了 不过打完ESL到接下来的Starladder之间有至少10.5天的休息时间:) 获得这次WCA的第三名我还是很满意的 虽然觉得我们有机会名次更好 可这已经超过窝预期啦 很开心~

            IP属地:北京8楼2014-10-09 00:31
              Since Chessie got some problems with his back and can’t play at the moment we are going to use Hanni as a standin for ESL. Did you know me and Hanni played on the same Heroes of Newerth team for 1 1/2 year? :)
              因为Chessie的背伤 不能跟我们打ESL了 所以我们就着了Hanni做替补 你们知道我和Hanni在玩HON时做过一年半的队友吗哈哈~

              IP属地:北京11楼2014-10-09 00:34

                12楼2014-10-09 00:34
                  F队现在唯一能打一点的就是hanni 只是过来打A队当替补不知搭不搭 A队ESL有点难打

                  IP属地:广东14楼2014-10-09 00:39
                    We also just had to forfeit 2 games in D2CL vs. fnatic and VP since we are bootcamping with Hanni right now for ESL and it’s not really possible to play vs. a team when one of their players are at the same place as you ^^. Also since Hanni is playing for fnatic we aren’t allowed to use him as a standin for VP (and not vs. his own team of course) which means we would have had to get another standin. We tried to reschedule the games but couldn’t :(.
                    在D2CL上我们不得不放弃了对fnatic和VP的两场比赛 因为我们已经和Hanni一起准备ESL了嘛 在我们俩队比赛时Hanni不能两边都上吧哈哈 因为Hanni是fnatic的 所以打vp时我们也不能让他做替补啦 (实在不好意思各位 这句话实在弄不懂 是fnatic同时比赛么 还是窝理解错了) 所以我们还得找个替补打vp 我们想改下赛程 也没成功 sad..

                    IP属地:北京15楼2014-10-09 00:42

                      来自Android青春福利版16楼2014-10-09 00:42