NooB4eVer: what*s up dude?
Kr0w?: could i trade you for your m9!?!?!
NooB4eVer: with what?
Kr0w?: A Good bit of skins, you could keep some for yourself and use some to trad for another knfie?
您已经接受了 Kr0w? 的交易请求。
Kr0w?: since you have no other skins:p
Kr0w?: i could also add some team stickers for decorating purposes
NooB4eVer: sorry i just want knife
Kr0w?: you could trade for a knife?
Kr0w?: that is all valued at $240
Kr0w?: your knife is $17
Kr0w?: 217
NooB4eVer: u give me guns,i will loss on lounge.....
Kr0w?: i could also help you rank?
Kr0w?: who knows you might also win and double or triple.
Kr0w?: thats how i got all these
Kr0w?: betting does wonders:p
NooB4eVer: i m so sorry,
Kr0w?: ill add all stickers quick
NooB4eVer: i relly dont want that
Kr0w?: stickers are almost another $15
NooB4eVer: so sorry my friend
Kr0w?: cmon man its really really good deal
Kr0w?: im overpaying, it also gives you almost every skins to have something for
NooB4eVer: u can give me a steam offer,and i will think about this
Kr0w?: awe cmon man i really really want it :/
NooB4eVer: i know
Kr0w?: please?:(
NooB4eVer: steam offer plz i will think about this
NooB4eVer: OK?
Kr0w?: how long do you need to think?
NooB4eVer: about 30 minutes
NooB4eVer: i will ask my friends who want this
NooB4eVer: U take a steam offer and go to sleep
Kr0w?: i don want to sleep i want to play with the knife:p
Kr0w?: im really deprate for one
NooB4eVer: oh dude go to sleep plz
NooB4eVer: play with it tomorrow
Kr0w?: its literally 8 in the morning i just woke up :p
NooB4eVer: OK wait and i ask my friend who want this
Kr0w?: okay!:) thank you man <3
Kr0w?: also on my alt i can carry you in rank :)
NooB4eVer: sorry i cant i go to play with u ,my ping will 300+
Kr0w?: where do you live by?
Kr0w?: youre in china? i could play on your servers with like 100 ping:p
NooB4eVer: wow
NooB4eVer: US net so good
Kr0w?: ehh i wouldnt go that far:p but i culd probably rank you up to like double ak or badge?:)
Kr0w?: im legedaryy eagle master
Kr0w?: so what you think about the trade?
NooB4eVer: well,i buy the knife by my friend 1000¥
i sell the all i will have 989¥
something very cheap in chinese player
NooB4eVer: but i will agree it,i think u will be a good friend
Kr0w?: thank you man <3 im one of the nicest people you will ever meet and i can tell you will be a very amazing friend as well :)
NooB4eVer: i really buy the knife yesterday
Kr0w?: if you ever want to trade back we can?
NooB4eVer: i dont play with it i just photo with it....
NooB4eVer: OK
Kr0w?: :o ohh see i really love all skins especailly this knife its my all time favorite
Kr0w?: so 1000¥is cheap?:o
NooB4eVer: every guns are cheap in china
NooB4eVer: we buy key just 12¥
Kr0w?: so that knife was very cheap for you?
Kr0w?: i wish i lived in china
NooB4eVer: 哈哈哈哈
NooB4eVer: hahahahah
NooB4eVer: but chinese wages were low
Kr0w?: yeah i have to pay hospital bills because i had surgery on my kneee
Kr0w?: very tight money here :/
Kr0w?: i was iffy about giving up all my skins because i paid real money for them as well and i havent had money in months :/
NooB4eVer: You are ill?
Kr0w?: yeah :(
NooB4eVer: im sorry to hear that
Kr0w?: yeah i really liked the knife and skins didnt know which i prefered
Kr0w?: thats why i wish i lived in china i would have a nice knife and nice skins:p
Kr0w?: the thing is im only 18 and im forced to live on my own my parents kicked me out and im stuggeling :/ sorry for telling you all about my life just feels good to get it out sometimes.
NooB4eVer: yes,★ M9 Bayonet | Fade (Factory New) in china just 2000¥
Kr0w?: from usd it costed me $240 for all those skins which i make in like 4 weeks here because of me being ill. and having bills since im living on my own now.
NooB4eVer: i dont understand english too much
Kr0w?: i was kicked out like 2 months ago and my birthday is in 1 month and no one to celebrate with
NooB4eVer: i google it
NooB4eVer: so i will so slow
Kr0w?: i will translate to you
NooB4eVer: whats stuggeling?
Kr0w?: 我住在我自己的,我得到了踢出来时,我3个月前和大麦不起房租
NooB4eVer: why your parents kicked u?
Kr0w?: 他们说我是没出息
NooB4eVer: 我操
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: yeah.
Kr0w?: uhmm
NooB4eVer: so u running away from home
Kr0w?: no i got kicked out
NooB4eVer: Are you smoking marijuana?
Kr0w?: no, they said im good for nothing
Kr0w?: they didnt want me anymore
Kr0w?: 他们说我没出息
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: is that the type of chinese you understand?
NooB4eVer: Are you a Jew?
Kr0w?: no
Kr0w?: Im very poor i cant afford to pay my bills
Kr0w?: it is very hard for me to get skins
NooB4eVer: in china ,the people not married,live with parents
Kr0w?: yeah i got kicked out because they dont love me. im very poor on my own, i wish i could get skins cheap like you
NooB4eVer: so What do you do
Kr0w?: work at fast food
NooB4eVer: like KFC?
Kr0w?: yes
NooB4eVer: your ill in china so easy
NooB4eVer: antibiotics very cheap
Kr0w?: very expensive here
Kr0w?: im very grateful youre my friend i like talking to you
NooB4eVer: ye i I heard that limit in USA
Kr0w?: im very grateful youre my friend i like talking to you
NooB4eVer: me too
NooB4eVer: i think We can sell the skin
Kr0w?: im going to hate saving money again for skins
NooB4eVer: i buy in china & u sell in usa
Kr0w?: i could pay bills taht way :)
Kr0w?: is this expensive for you?
Kr0w?: That is very expensive for me VERY
NooB4eVer: sorry The network link i dont Click
Kr0w?: is ★ Butterfly Knife | Slaughter - Field Tested expensive for you?
NooB4eVer: i think its about 1700-1800
Kr0w?: is that cheap for you?
NooB4eVer: ¥
NooB4eVer: no i m poor too
Kr0w?: i have 0 money
Kr0w?: the skins i traded you were everything i had :(
NooB4eVer: when u dont want play it ,we can exchange
Kr0w?: i love the knife as well:p thats the thing i wish i had both skins and knife
Kr0w?: :p
NooB4eVer: lol the first u must be healthy
Kr0w?: idk what to do
Kr0w?: :(
Kr0w?: i love skins too much
NooB4eVer: whats idk?
Kr0w?: it took me 3 months to get everything i had, i dont know
NooB4eVer: What*s the ill with you
Kr0w?: i have hurt murmur
Kr0w?: heart
Kr0w?: heart problems
NooB4eVer: wtf
Kr0w?: yeah and my birthday is in a few weeks and i will be alone and no one to celebrate it with :(
Kr0w?: no birthday presents for me this year :/
NooB4eVer: i hear usa social welfare is very good
NooB4eVer: Isn*t it?
Kr0w?: not really
Kr0w?: you can get me a birthday present if you want ;)
NooB4eVer: ok
Kr0w?: joking you dont have to
Kr0w?: im tempted to trade for my skins i miss my Awp and M4 Asiimov and My Ak-47 Vulcan:p
NooB4eVer: i just can give u a symbolic gun
Kr0w?: whats that?
NooB4eVer: a cheap gun?
Kr0w?: well to you everything is cheap:p
Kr0w?: does that mean i get all mine back xD
NooB4eVer: no im poor too
NooB4eVer: i live with my family
Kr0w?: lucky :*(
NooB4eVer: my income so less
NooB4eVer: i m neets
Kr0w?: you atleast have family:/
Kr0w?: what gun is cheap to you?
NooB4eVer: 0.04$........
NooB4eVer: i will sell this guns
NooB4eVer: i have no money to buy meat
Kr0w?: i dont think you can buy meat with steam funds
NooB4eVer: i sell rell money
Kr0w?: ohh:o
NooB4eVer: i said ¥is rell ¥,not
NooB4eVer: steam
NooB4eVer: how much
NooB4eVer: how much u buy a key for steam plays?
NooB4eVer: rell money
Kr0w?: 2.59
Kr0w?: $2.59
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: 284¥
Kr0w?: :/
Kr0w?: oops xD
NooB4eVer: i buy it 2.49$ on steam about 15.4¥
Kr0w?: 14 ¥
Kr0w?: thats why it hurts me to give me the Awp and M4 asiimov and the Ak-47 vulcan
NooB4eVer: but i buy it from chinese steam player just 12¥
Kr0w?: thats like 740 ¥
Kr0w?: $120
Kr0w?: a knife costs around 1231 ¥
NooB4eVer: no it*s 190+180+190=560 not 740
NooB4eVer: we sell it very cheap
Kr0w?: thats almost enough for the other knife i wanted!:o
NooB4eVer: ¥to$ is 6.13:1 today
Kr0w?: M4A4 | Desert-Strike is the m4 i want
NooB4eVer: but chinese player sell rell money about 4.8:1
Kr0w?: costs like $10 here.
NooB4eVer: FN?
Kr0w?: MW :/
Kr0w?: asiimov is my top favorite though thats why i had it
Kr0w?: FN is $16
NooB4eVer: i sell it just 75¥ somedays ago
Kr0w?: i need more skins!
Kr0w?: i need more money
NooB4eVer: i need that too
Kr0w?: its so cheap for you though :( here its way to much.
NooB4eVer: i just get 40¥ one day
NooB4eVer: guns cheap,but im poor
NooB4eVer: i just an apprentice
Kr0w?: i cant work at all being sick so i have no money at all
Kr0w?: one day i will have this knife and all the items i trade you that is my dream
Kr0w?: i just hope that my heart doesnt fail. the doctors said it could.
Kr0w?: like i have a weird feeling in my stomach because i gave you my items :/
Kr0w?: Is there anything i could offer for them ?:p
NooB4eVer: I wish you a speedy recovery
Kr0w?: is there?
NooB4eVer: u will be recovery
Kr0w?: is there anything i could offer for the items i traded you? like minecraft or something
NooB4eVer: i dont understand......
Kr0w?: idk i just feel lost without my skins xD im going through withdrawl
NooB4eVer: i dont understand......
NooB4eVer: we can trade back
Kr0w?: i dont know what to do!! i love them both so much the skins and the knife!:(
NooB4eVer: u can trade a cheap m9
Kr0w?: this is my favorite i had this one before someone scammed me out of mine and stole it
Kr0w?: and i traded you all my money for yours :(
NooB4eVer: u can trade back this somedays after
NooB4eVer: i dont sell it,OK?
Kr0w?: like before i had both those skins and this knife but im sad because someone hacked me and stole my knife :( idk i just feel like with how horrible everything is going for me i just miss having everything
NooB4eVer: so U dont want to trade back?
NooB4eVer: i will sell this
Kr0w?: i want to trade back but i really really love this knife :(
NooB4eVer: u can trade bcak and trade a cheap m9
Kr0w?: there are not nice m9 this is the only one i like :(
NooB4eVer: Stained m9 is nice too
Kr0w?: eww!!!
Kr0w?: whats the chance you really really like me and want me to keep both ;) hahahaha.... i wish :(
NooB4eVer: bs ww ft mw fn are same
Kr0w?: whats the chance you really really like me and want me to keep both ;) hahahaha.... i wish :(
NooB4eVer: i dont understand this sentence......
Kr0w?: like since its cheap for you i wish i could keep both xD
NooB4eVer: u trade a cheap m9,this is the only way u can keep both
Kr0w?: :(
NooB4eVer: well,tell me do u want to trade back,i will sell this guns later
Kr0w?: wait what? the guns i really really still want because i love them are the Ak-47 vulcan, M4 and Awp asiimov
NooB4eVer: so?
Kr0w?: so idk im lost:/ im getting stressed
NooB4eVer: what is idk?
Kr0w?: it means i dont know, im stressed out ugh.
NooB4eVer: u can go to play with the knife
NooB4eVer: i want for u about 4 hours
NooB4eVer: ok
NooB4eVer: ok?
NooB4eVer: in this time i dont sell this guns
Kr0w?: well yes i know i can play with the knife but a knife isnt really used its just there to have a cool knife like the skins i traded you are always used :/
NooB4eVer: Listen to me guy, u can use some guns to trade a m9 Stained ,this skins BS ww ft
NooB4eVer: mw fn are same
Kr0w?: im a girl :p
NooB4eVer: ok
NooB4eVer: they are same
Kr0w?: im confused i can use what skins?
NooB4eVer: wait let me see
NooB4eVer: i think u can use your all skins with out the Ak-47 vulcan, M4 and Awp asiimov
Kr0w?: im still confused im just stressing out
NooB4eVer: to trade a bs m9 Stained
NooB4eVer: its fn look
Kr0w?: maybe for your currency the m9 stained is $110
NooB4eVer: u just love the action of m9
Kr0w?: no i love the look of the crimson web i dont like m9s other then that :p
NooB4eVer: all right3
Kr0w?: ?
NooB4eVer: nothing
NooB4eVer: usa time is 15:14a.m,Don*t you sleep?
Kr0w?: i do its just that i woke up i sleep weird times because of my illness. i cant work so i play video games alot thats why yhose skins mean alot to me:/
NooB4eVer: u cant work u eat what?
Kr0w?: Whatever i have enough for that day :/
NooB4eVer: u have enough to eat?
Kr0w?: not all the time somedays i have to ask my neighbor if i can eat over :/
NooB4eVer: how long u leave home?
NooB4eVer: do your parents know u ill?
Kr0w?: almost a year now my parents moved away.
Kr0w?: i know im probably annoying that i asked for the ak and m4 and awp back its just that its all i really have right now:/
NooB4eVer: what do you mene? i dont understand this sentence
Kr0w?: i feel annoyin because i keep wanting the skins but want the knife at the same time:/
NooB4eVer: i cant help u,becouse u dont agree my advice
Kr0w?: I don*t understand your advice?
NooB4eVer: bs m9
Kr0w?: How do am I suppose to get it?
NooB4eVer: trade with some guns for bs m9,the only way
Kr0w?: I don*t have any guns I traded you all mine:( I don*t really care about the other skins I just really am gonna miss the m4 and Awp and ak:/
NooB4eVer: i cant help u
Kr0w?: :( why can*t I live in china and have cheap prices??
NooB4eVer: china have chinese bad,US have America bad
Kr0w?: :/ I*ll be on later I*m gonna go for a walk and relieve some stress
NooB4eVer: ok bye
Kr0w?: bye
Kr0w?: could i trade you for your m9!?!?!
NooB4eVer: with what?
Kr0w?: A Good bit of skins, you could keep some for yourself and use some to trad for another knfie?
您已经接受了 Kr0w? 的交易请求。
Kr0w?: since you have no other skins:p
Kr0w?: i could also add some team stickers for decorating purposes
NooB4eVer: sorry i just want knife
Kr0w?: you could trade for a knife?
Kr0w?: that is all valued at $240
Kr0w?: your knife is $17
Kr0w?: 217
NooB4eVer: u give me guns,i will loss on lounge.....
Kr0w?: i could also help you rank?
Kr0w?: who knows you might also win and double or triple.
Kr0w?: thats how i got all these
Kr0w?: betting does wonders:p
NooB4eVer: i m so sorry,
Kr0w?: ill add all stickers quick
NooB4eVer: i relly dont want that
Kr0w?: stickers are almost another $15
NooB4eVer: so sorry my friend
Kr0w?: cmon man its really really good deal
Kr0w?: im overpaying, it also gives you almost every skins to have something for
NooB4eVer: u can give me a steam offer,and i will think about this
Kr0w?: awe cmon man i really really want it :/
NooB4eVer: i know
Kr0w?: please?:(
NooB4eVer: steam offer plz i will think about this
NooB4eVer: OK?
Kr0w?: how long do you need to think?
NooB4eVer: about 30 minutes
NooB4eVer: i will ask my friends who want this
NooB4eVer: U take a steam offer and go to sleep
Kr0w?: i don want to sleep i want to play with the knife:p
Kr0w?: im really deprate for one
NooB4eVer: oh dude go to sleep plz
NooB4eVer: play with it tomorrow
Kr0w?: its literally 8 in the morning i just woke up :p
NooB4eVer: OK wait and i ask my friend who want this
Kr0w?: okay!:) thank you man <3
Kr0w?: also on my alt i can carry you in rank :)
NooB4eVer: sorry i cant i go to play with u ,my ping will 300+
Kr0w?: where do you live by?
Kr0w?: youre in china? i could play on your servers with like 100 ping:p
NooB4eVer: wow
NooB4eVer: US net so good
Kr0w?: ehh i wouldnt go that far:p but i culd probably rank you up to like double ak or badge?:)
Kr0w?: im legedaryy eagle master
Kr0w?: so what you think about the trade?
NooB4eVer: well,i buy the knife by my friend 1000¥
i sell the all i will have 989¥
something very cheap in chinese player
NooB4eVer: but i will agree it,i think u will be a good friend
Kr0w?: thank you man <3 im one of the nicest people you will ever meet and i can tell you will be a very amazing friend as well :)
NooB4eVer: i really buy the knife yesterday
Kr0w?: if you ever want to trade back we can?
NooB4eVer: i dont play with it i just photo with it....
NooB4eVer: OK
Kr0w?: :o ohh see i really love all skins especailly this knife its my all time favorite
Kr0w?: so 1000¥is cheap?:o
NooB4eVer: every guns are cheap in china
NooB4eVer: we buy key just 12¥
Kr0w?: so that knife was very cheap for you?
Kr0w?: i wish i lived in china
NooB4eVer: 哈哈哈哈
NooB4eVer: hahahahah
NooB4eVer: but chinese wages were low
Kr0w?: yeah i have to pay hospital bills because i had surgery on my kneee
Kr0w?: very tight money here :/
Kr0w?: i was iffy about giving up all my skins because i paid real money for them as well and i havent had money in months :/
NooB4eVer: You are ill?
Kr0w?: yeah :(
NooB4eVer: im sorry to hear that
Kr0w?: yeah i really liked the knife and skins didnt know which i prefered
Kr0w?: thats why i wish i lived in china i would have a nice knife and nice skins:p
Kr0w?: the thing is im only 18 and im forced to live on my own my parents kicked me out and im stuggeling :/ sorry for telling you all about my life just feels good to get it out sometimes.
NooB4eVer: yes,★ M9 Bayonet | Fade (Factory New) in china just 2000¥
Kr0w?: from usd it costed me $240 for all those skins which i make in like 4 weeks here because of me being ill. and having bills since im living on my own now.
NooB4eVer: i dont understand english too much
Kr0w?: i was kicked out like 2 months ago and my birthday is in 1 month and no one to celebrate with
NooB4eVer: i google it
NooB4eVer: so i will so slow
Kr0w?: i will translate to you
NooB4eVer: whats stuggeling?
Kr0w?: 我住在我自己的,我得到了踢出来时,我3个月前和大麦不起房租
NooB4eVer: why your parents kicked u?
Kr0w?: 他们说我是没出息
NooB4eVer: 我操
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: yeah.
Kr0w?: uhmm
NooB4eVer: so u running away from home
Kr0w?: no i got kicked out
NooB4eVer: Are you smoking marijuana?
Kr0w?: no, they said im good for nothing
Kr0w?: they didnt want me anymore
Kr0w?: 他们说我没出息
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: is that the type of chinese you understand?
NooB4eVer: Are you a Jew?
Kr0w?: no
Kr0w?: Im very poor i cant afford to pay my bills
Kr0w?: it is very hard for me to get skins
NooB4eVer: in china ,the people not married,live with parents
Kr0w?: yeah i got kicked out because they dont love me. im very poor on my own, i wish i could get skins cheap like you
NooB4eVer: so What do you do
Kr0w?: work at fast food
NooB4eVer: like KFC?
Kr0w?: yes
NooB4eVer: your ill in china so easy
NooB4eVer: antibiotics very cheap
Kr0w?: very expensive here
Kr0w?: im very grateful youre my friend i like talking to you
NooB4eVer: ye i I heard that limit in USA
Kr0w?: im very grateful youre my friend i like talking to you
NooB4eVer: me too
NooB4eVer: i think We can sell the skin
Kr0w?: im going to hate saving money again for skins
NooB4eVer: i buy in china & u sell in usa
Kr0w?: i could pay bills taht way :)
Kr0w?: is this expensive for you?
Kr0w?: That is very expensive for me VERY
NooB4eVer: sorry The network link i dont Click
Kr0w?: is ★ Butterfly Knife | Slaughter - Field Tested expensive for you?
NooB4eVer: i think its about 1700-1800
Kr0w?: is that cheap for you?
NooB4eVer: ¥
NooB4eVer: no i m poor too
Kr0w?: i have 0 money
Kr0w?: the skins i traded you were everything i had :(
NooB4eVer: when u dont want play it ,we can exchange
Kr0w?: i love the knife as well:p thats the thing i wish i had both skins and knife
Kr0w?: :p
NooB4eVer: lol the first u must be healthy
Kr0w?: idk what to do
Kr0w?: :(
Kr0w?: i love skins too much
NooB4eVer: whats idk?
Kr0w?: it took me 3 months to get everything i had, i dont know
NooB4eVer: What*s the ill with you
Kr0w?: i have hurt murmur
Kr0w?: heart
Kr0w?: heart problems
NooB4eVer: wtf
Kr0w?: yeah and my birthday is in a few weeks and i will be alone and no one to celebrate it with :(
Kr0w?: no birthday presents for me this year :/
NooB4eVer: i hear usa social welfare is very good
NooB4eVer: Isn*t it?
Kr0w?: not really
Kr0w?: you can get me a birthday present if you want ;)
NooB4eVer: ok
Kr0w?: joking you dont have to
Kr0w?: im tempted to trade for my skins i miss my Awp and M4 Asiimov and My Ak-47 Vulcan:p
NooB4eVer: i just can give u a symbolic gun
Kr0w?: whats that?
NooB4eVer: a cheap gun?
Kr0w?: well to you everything is cheap:p
Kr0w?: does that mean i get all mine back xD
NooB4eVer: no im poor too
NooB4eVer: i live with my family
Kr0w?: lucky :*(
NooB4eVer: my income so less
NooB4eVer: i m neets
Kr0w?: you atleast have family:/
Kr0w?: what gun is cheap to you?
NooB4eVer: 0.04$........
NooB4eVer: i will sell this guns
NooB4eVer: i have no money to buy meat
Kr0w?: i dont think you can buy meat with steam funds
NooB4eVer: i sell rell money
Kr0w?: ohh:o
NooB4eVer: i said ¥is rell ¥,not
NooB4eVer: steam
NooB4eVer: how much
NooB4eVer: how much u buy a key for steam plays?
NooB4eVer: rell money
Kr0w?: 2.59
Kr0w?: $2.59
NooB4eVer: WTF
Kr0w?: 284¥
Kr0w?: :/
Kr0w?: oops xD
NooB4eVer: i buy it 2.49$ on steam about 15.4¥
Kr0w?: 14 ¥
Kr0w?: thats why it hurts me to give me the Awp and M4 asiimov and the Ak-47 vulcan
NooB4eVer: but i buy it from chinese steam player just 12¥
Kr0w?: thats like 740 ¥
Kr0w?: $120
Kr0w?: a knife costs around 1231 ¥
NooB4eVer: no it*s 190+180+190=560 not 740
NooB4eVer: we sell it very cheap
Kr0w?: thats almost enough for the other knife i wanted!:o
NooB4eVer: ¥to$ is 6.13:1 today
Kr0w?: M4A4 | Desert-Strike is the m4 i want
NooB4eVer: but chinese player sell rell money about 4.8:1
Kr0w?: costs like $10 here.
NooB4eVer: FN?
Kr0w?: MW :/
Kr0w?: asiimov is my top favorite though thats why i had it
Kr0w?: FN is $16
NooB4eVer: i sell it just 75¥ somedays ago
Kr0w?: i need more skins!
Kr0w?: i need more money
NooB4eVer: i need that too
Kr0w?: its so cheap for you though :( here its way to much.
NooB4eVer: i just get 40¥ one day
NooB4eVer: guns cheap,but im poor
NooB4eVer: i just an apprentice
Kr0w?: i cant work at all being sick so i have no money at all
Kr0w?: one day i will have this knife and all the items i trade you that is my dream
Kr0w?: i just hope that my heart doesnt fail. the doctors said it could.
Kr0w?: like i have a weird feeling in my stomach because i gave you my items :/
Kr0w?: Is there anything i could offer for them ?:p
NooB4eVer: I wish you a speedy recovery
Kr0w?: is there?
NooB4eVer: u will be recovery
Kr0w?: is there anything i could offer for the items i traded you? like minecraft or something
NooB4eVer: i dont understand......
Kr0w?: idk i just feel lost without my skins xD im going through withdrawl
NooB4eVer: i dont understand......
NooB4eVer: we can trade back
Kr0w?: i dont know what to do!! i love them both so much the skins and the knife!:(
NooB4eVer: u can trade a cheap m9
Kr0w?: this is my favorite i had this one before someone scammed me out of mine and stole it
Kr0w?: and i traded you all my money for yours :(
NooB4eVer: u can trade back this somedays after
NooB4eVer: i dont sell it,OK?
Kr0w?: like before i had both those skins and this knife but im sad because someone hacked me and stole my knife :( idk i just feel like with how horrible everything is going for me i just miss having everything
NooB4eVer: so U dont want to trade back?
NooB4eVer: i will sell this
Kr0w?: i want to trade back but i really really love this knife :(
NooB4eVer: u can trade bcak and trade a cheap m9
Kr0w?: there are not nice m9 this is the only one i like :(
NooB4eVer: Stained m9 is nice too
Kr0w?: eww!!!
Kr0w?: whats the chance you really really like me and want me to keep both ;) hahahaha.... i wish :(
NooB4eVer: bs ww ft mw fn are same
Kr0w?: whats the chance you really really like me and want me to keep both ;) hahahaha.... i wish :(
NooB4eVer: i dont understand this sentence......
Kr0w?: like since its cheap for you i wish i could keep both xD
NooB4eVer: u trade a cheap m9,this is the only way u can keep both
Kr0w?: :(
NooB4eVer: well,tell me do u want to trade back,i will sell this guns later
Kr0w?: wait what? the guns i really really still want because i love them are the Ak-47 vulcan, M4 and Awp asiimov
NooB4eVer: so?
Kr0w?: so idk im lost:/ im getting stressed
NooB4eVer: what is idk?
Kr0w?: it means i dont know, im stressed out ugh.
NooB4eVer: u can go to play with the knife
NooB4eVer: i want for u about 4 hours
NooB4eVer: ok
NooB4eVer: ok?
NooB4eVer: in this time i dont sell this guns
Kr0w?: well yes i know i can play with the knife but a knife isnt really used its just there to have a cool knife like the skins i traded you are always used :/
NooB4eVer: Listen to me guy, u can use some guns to trade a m9 Stained ,this skins BS ww ft
NooB4eVer: mw fn are same
Kr0w?: im a girl :p
NooB4eVer: ok
NooB4eVer: they are same
Kr0w?: im confused i can use what skins?
NooB4eVer: wait let me see
NooB4eVer: i think u can use your all skins with out the Ak-47 vulcan, M4 and Awp asiimov
Kr0w?: im still confused im just stressing out
NooB4eVer: to trade a bs m9 Stained
NooB4eVer: its fn look
Kr0w?: maybe for your currency the m9 stained is $110
NooB4eVer: u just love the action of m9
Kr0w?: no i love the look of the crimson web i dont like m9s other then that :p
NooB4eVer: all right3
Kr0w?: ?
NooB4eVer: nothing
NooB4eVer: usa time is 15:14a.m,Don*t you sleep?
Kr0w?: i do its just that i woke up i sleep weird times because of my illness. i cant work so i play video games alot thats why yhose skins mean alot to me:/
NooB4eVer: u cant work u eat what?
Kr0w?: Whatever i have enough for that day :/
NooB4eVer: u have enough to eat?
Kr0w?: not all the time somedays i have to ask my neighbor if i can eat over :/
NooB4eVer: how long u leave home?
NooB4eVer: do your parents know u ill?
Kr0w?: almost a year now my parents moved away.
Kr0w?: i know im probably annoying that i asked for the ak and m4 and awp back its just that its all i really have right now:/
NooB4eVer: what do you mene? i dont understand this sentence
Kr0w?: i feel annoyin because i keep wanting the skins but want the knife at the same time:/
NooB4eVer: i cant help u,becouse u dont agree my advice
Kr0w?: I don*t understand your advice?
NooB4eVer: bs m9
Kr0w?: How do am I suppose to get it?
NooB4eVer: trade with some guns for bs m9,the only way
Kr0w?: I don*t have any guns I traded you all mine:( I don*t really care about the other skins I just really am gonna miss the m4 and Awp and ak:/
NooB4eVer: i cant help u
Kr0w?: :( why can*t I live in china and have cheap prices??
NooB4eVer: china have chinese bad,US have America bad
Kr0w?: :/ I*ll be on later I*m gonna go for a walk and relieve some stress
NooB4eVer: ok bye
Kr0w?: bye