On and on 时间的行进 Over and over again 开启一幕幕的画面 There is no holding back time you said 你曾感叹时间难以琢磨 So you run your race ,made your transformation 所以你奋不顾身 记录人生的蜕变 and left your mark 留下存在的印记 The possibilities are always endless。 人生对你来说 没有写好的剧本 Everyone of them is real 每个阶段的存在都是真实的 and everyone of them is still you 每个真实的片段组成了你 you will not stop until time fails 你坚决地向前走着 Let those memories never fade 回忆却安静的不曾离开 even if our eyes should go dim 即使双眼模糊了光影 For looking back ,even the ordinary has become an era lost or forgotten 平凡的珍贵 唤起不凡的人生 Only living and breathing 吐息间 on a shore 时光中 where time has no hold 凝结片刻成为永恒