Adya Pitkeev: "I do not like people who are energetically promoting itself"
September 21, 2014
For the skater Adya Pitkeeva this season will be the "debut" as a disciple Etery Tutberidze acts already masters at senior level. At the end in the Italian pre-season international tournament "Lombardy Trophy", which became one of the competition «ISU Challenge Series», Adya Pitkeev won the first season in the bronze medal. However, in this interview will not report on competition, since our conversation took place long before the competition. Superstition of the interview, we agreed to put only after the first start. "I do not really like talking about myself, prefer others to do so" - warned the athlete.
-Program this season you put Alexander Zhulin. How to work with a new director?
-Cool and easy.
-What emerged this ease and proficiency?
-The fact that we can easily find a common language. Both programs are delivered quickly. At each took three workouts. With Zhulin actually works and, though easily. There was some tension that sometimes arises between people that have little to each other talking. With it you can make a joke, laugh. And at the same time, he taught me a lot - that I*ve never done before.
-For example?
-We did two different programs. Short on the music of Niccolo Paganini*s "Caprice №24» and arbitrary «Muse» Symphony «Exogenesis» Part 3: If the short program is closer to me in style, then any completely different, so it is a bit heavy for me. In it, we have included a lot of different bundles that have not previously performed.
-And where to start? Came Alexander Zhulin, brought the music, turned and said, "Like it?"
-It was so. And I said, "Like". With short program there were no problems. Started to work and immediately flew all. A lot of things in an arbitrary change. There has been more difficult.
-The director talked about the images that you have to portray?
-Of course. In the short program, I - a composer of genius, a little crazy, like all men of genius. And in any given me room for imagination, because the program is complicated, and it to me in the first place, it is necessary to cope with the technical part, fulfill all the elements clean.
-Not afraid of the transition to an adult level?
-At first thought about it, but then decided that all once begin. The only problem is the lack of stable quadruple jump. But I*m working on it, I leave for training with a quadruple toe loop. But need stability and confidence. Not sure, but I think that in the course of the season we will try programs quad.
-That advises the coach?
-Jump. But she does not press. Understands everything. We have a good relationship Etery Georgiievna. When necessary, it is good when you need to - strict. Sometimes it can support, and when necessary, it may say so, that will not find. But you have anyone in our group to say that she is a good coach.
-You*re a lot of time talking about how to come in figure skating. But now that you like in this sport?
-I just get pleasure from the fact that I was on the ice.
-At the gathering Novogorske saw you in the room electric guitar. Do you play?
-Yes, for yourself. Notes do not know, learned to play on the internet. Bought with his own money two electric guitars, well, everything you need for them, and we are with Vlad Tarasenko (he trained in our group) try something to do. Vlad*s brother plays the drums, so that a whole group. Now time to the music is not enough. Laziness or fatigue piled. But we agreed to meet on weekends at home Vlad and rehearse. But it*s just for fun.
-What kind of music do you prefer?
-Heavy. Metal. Beautiful, aggressive. I like that.
-You*ve got to hand bracelet. It is a talisman?
-You could say that. It was a gift from his grandfather. Sanctified Buddhist bracelet.
-Grandpa - the person whom you trust?
-I have all the family in a normal relationship. But if something happens, you usually share with friends. Mom will not ship. Why? They without me a bunch of problems. True, it happens so bursting that want ponyt. And listens to a mother. I*ll start as whining, do not stop. But I think that I just need to talk. Relieve stress. However, this happens very rarely.
-Want something else to add?
-Do not like to talk about myself. Prefer others to do so. I do not like people who are energetically promoting themselves. What*s the use if there is no action and results.
Olga Ermolina
Photo Olga Timokhova (rental Novogorske)