Status: CLOSED
What I edited: In this hack you play as N.
You befriend Latios (Bicycle).
You can get Mewtwo Awakened Forms
You can catch Espeon (Which is now kind of Sylveon)
Mewtwo Awakened forms are in the grottos
Whats missing: N fishing sprite, N when he wobbles on the mud lines, and N flying sprites
If you can help Post Here or Send me a Message
Story: You are young, you are left alone, dying losing hope, you ask yourself "What will become of me?"
Later on that same day a Mewtwo appears he shows you, and only you his new form, Mewtwo Awakened Form he tells you "My clones are destroying the Unova region, find them in the grotto*s and destroy them all, fate rests in your hands, don*t fail me!!!" You then search for the Mewtwos for 4 years after those long 4 years you give up, but then! One day you decide "I shall conquer the gyms. Maybe I*ll find some Mewtwo Clones on the way." So you set off on your journey and on this journey you encounter a Latios who wants to befriend you, so you accept. You can now ride this Latios. You then travel far with Latios going to every grotto there is and defeating the Mewtwo clones. Once you defeat all the Mewtwo clones, the real Mewtwo comes to you in your dream and says "N you have proven yourself worthy, fight me come to the grotto in Route 18, and we shall fight there!!!"
Credits: luckygirl88 for making most of the sprites of N
KazoWAR for the tools
JustaBomb for making Latios bike sprites
TiniVi for Mewthree and Sylveon sprites
Kaphotics for the .narc guide
Screenshots: Mewthree

Nurse Joy with her "helpers"

"Driving" Latios

Status: CLOSED
What I edited: In this hack you play as N.
You befriend Latios (Bicycle).
You can get Mewtwo Awakened Forms
You can catch Espeon (Which is now kind of Sylveon)
Mewtwo Awakened forms are in the grottos
Whats missing: N fishing sprite, N when he wobbles on the mud lines, and N flying sprites
If you can help Post Here or Send me a Message
Story: You are young, you are left alone, dying losing hope, you ask yourself "What will become of me?"
Later on that same day a Mewtwo appears he shows you, and only you his new form, Mewtwo Awakened Form he tells you "My clones are destroying the Unova region, find them in the grotto*s and destroy them all, fate rests in your hands, don*t fail me!!!" You then search for the Mewtwos for 4 years after those long 4 years you give up, but then! One day you decide "I shall conquer the gyms. Maybe I*ll find some Mewtwo Clones on the way." So you set off on your journey and on this journey you encounter a Latios who wants to befriend you, so you accept. You can now ride this Latios. You then travel far with Latios going to every grotto there is and defeating the Mewtwo clones. Once you defeat all the Mewtwo clones, the real Mewtwo comes to you in your dream and says "N you have proven yourself worthy, fight me come to the grotto in Route 18, and we shall fight there!!!"
Credits: luckygirl88 for making most of the sprites of N
KazoWAR for the tools
JustaBomb for making Latios bike sprites
TiniVi for Mewthree and Sylveon sprites
Kaphotics for the .narc guide
Screenshots: Mewthree

Nurse Joy with her "helpers"

"Driving" Latios
