韦诺之战吧 关注:3,079贴子:27,793

世上最蠢的工程= =!给没几个人看的汉化+吐槽,WC改全宝物介绍


什么是WC改?World Conquest Modified,源自于经典插件WC的魔改多人战役= =
在原版27个宝物的基础上增加了213个宝物,使总数达到了可怕的240个= =
同增加了来自几个不同时代的兵种和种族,取消了为数不多的公用兵种比如皇军和精力的法爷,以及修改了AI出兵规律= =
其中最喜闻乐见却又蛋疼不已的就是大量0级兵和AI空降兵!WC原版所有的0级兵和少数一级兵都有专家属性,其中最为暴力就是人族的枪兵了= =
而WC改可以请英雄的0级兵可以升全1级兵中85%以上的兵种 使一些废柴英雄终于有了培养的可能= =比如说 19-2的专家英雄1级矮枪……
但是同时AI没钱也有大量的进攻力量可以部署,再加上每8个回合空降的高级兵,使原版WC 耗到对手没钱就浩浩荡荡反推 成为了不可能- =
介绍完毕 以下就是成吨的新宝物= =

IP属地:美国1楼2014-09-11 18:22回复
    由于数量奇大无比,请善用ctrl+F!不是每个宝都看过源码,所以有遗漏的地方是肯定的 而且道具列表本来就排列混乱 并没有按照逻辑顺序来排= =

    IP属地:美国3楼2014-09-11 18:26
      Weaker Medicinal herbs
      description= _ "Heals (4hp) + Cures"
      info=_"New ability heals (4hp) and cures.
      Stronger Trollsblood potion"
      description= _ "Regenerates 20% of full hp"
      info=_"New ability regenerates 20%.
      强力巨魔血 每回合最大HP20%治愈……
      那种能到100血的怪物拿了 简直无情= =没有系统测试 不知道是只按拿的时候最大Hp算还是动态20%当前最大HP算 如果是动态那配合食尸要吓死人
      Speedy potion"
      description= _ "Extra movement points"
      info=_"5% more all terrains defense (max 75%) and 3 movement points more.
      速度药剂 +3MP(移动点 后面就只用MP啦) +5%全地形闪避,最大75%
      Dragon armor"
      description= _ "Drakes armor + higher defense in desert, lava."
      info=_"15% more dmg, 1 movement cost lava, 1 movement cost less desert/sand, 10% more lava/sand/desert terrains defense (max 75%), 40% more fire, 20% more blade, 30% more impact, 20% less pierce, 20% less arcane and 30% less cold resistances (max 70%/min -60%).
      龙甲 +15%伤害,1MP过岩浆沙地,+10%岩浆和沙地闪避(最大75%),+40%火抗,20%剑抗,30冲击抗,-20%穿刺抗和奥术抗,30%冰冻抗(最多70%,最低-60%)
      Fencer hands"
      description= _ "Add melee marksman"
      info=_"1 strike more (melee), 1 dmg more (per level), 10% dmg more (melee), weapon special marksman (melee).
      击剑手 近战:+1攻击次数,每1级+1伤害,再+10%伤害,精准
      可怕 近战兵拿了成神 特别是已经有专家属性的……
      Undeads armor"
      description= _ "Undeads armor + higher defense in cave/fungus"
      info=_"10% more fungus, 5% more cave terrains defense (max 75%), 40% more pierce, 50% more cold, 30% more blade, 40% less fire, 30% less arcane and 20% less impact resistances (max 70%/min -60%).
      不死甲 +10%蘑菇地,5%洞穴闪避(75最大),+40%穿刺,50%冷,30%剑,-40%火,30%奥,20%冲击抗(最大70最小60)
      Forest armor"
      description= _ "Forest armor + ambush + better forest defense"
      info=_"New ability ambush, 10% more forest terrain defense (max 75%), 20% more cold, 40% more pierce, 30% more impact, 30% less fire, 10% less arcane and 20% less blade resistances (max 70%/min -60%).
      森林甲 +伏击,10森林闪避,20冻,40穿刺,30冲击抗,-30火,10奥,20剑抗(+70/-60)

      IP属地:美国4楼2014-09-11 18:26
        Unusual spikes"
        description= _ "Extra pierce attack"
        info=_"Extra melee pierce (pierce attack) attack and 20% more pierce resistances (max 70%).
        不一般的刺 28-1近战穿刺,有穿刺效果(被打到的单位后一个单位会受50%的伤害),增加20穿刺抗(最大70)
        没见到过= =!比较奇葩 法师弓手防身可以考虑
        Crazy Axe"
        description= _ "Extra blade attack"
        info=_"Extra melee blade (duel 3) attack, 5 hit points more and 20% more resistances (max 70%).
        疯斧子 13-2的伤害 有特殊duel 3,和狂战类似但只战3个回合,+5血和20剑刃抗(+70~)
        Banits shield"
        description= _ "Extra impact attack"
        info=_"Extra melee impact (slow) attack and 10% more blade/pierce/impact resistances (max 70%).
        啥盾 8-3冲击附带减速,增加10剑,穿刺和冲击抗(+70~)
        Banits cloak"
        description= _ "Hiding in villages + 2 extra movement points"
        info=_"New ability concealment and 2 movement points more.
        Gold ring"
        description= _ "Better resistances (Fire/Cold/Arcane)"
        info=_"10% more cold/fire and 20% more arcane resistances (max 70%).
        金戒指 +10冰抗,火抗和20奥抗
        抗性是好 就是不够暴力……
        Wierd tome"
        description= _ "Add melee plague (Vampire Bats)"
        info=_"Weapon special plague (vampire bats) for melee.
        Loyals book"
        description= _ "Add melee plague (Peasants)"
        info=_"Weapon special plague (peasants) for melee.
        Magic old box"
        description= _ "Add melee plague (Ruffians)"
        info=_"Weapon special plague (ruffians) for melee.
        Well looking magic box"
        description= _ "Add melee plague (Woodsmans)"
        info=_"Weapon special plague (woodsmans) for melee.
        Stone tablet"
        description= _ "Add melee plague (Goblin Spearmans)"
        info=_"Weapon special plague (goblin spearmans) for melee.

        IP属地:美国5楼2014-09-11 18:29
          Clerics armor"
          description= _ "+10% impact, blade resistances, +30% more arcane resistance and 4 hp healing ability, more arcane dmg, +10% more flat defense"
          info=_"New ability heals, 10% more flat terrain defense (max 75%) and 10% more blade/impact, 30% more arcane resistances (max 70%).
          圣职甲 +4治疗,+10冲击,剑抗,30奥抗,+10%平原闪避,以及奥术攻击+30%伤害(+70~)
          精灵魔女拿最好 其他大部分好像都有些尴尬……像是圣骑已经有+4啦,黑袍奥术没冰伤高啦……
          Battle sphere"
          description= _ "Add more dmg (melee/ranged)"
          info=_"Increase damages +2 and +15% (melee/ranged).
          为啥不是大师球!增加不少整体输出 适合精灵战士等远近不错都有而且攻击次数多的兵种……
          Magic wand of cool fire"
          description= _ "Adds ranged magical cold attack"
          info=_"Extra ranged cold (magical/swarm) attack.
          凉火杖 增加3-12冰冻,带魔法群击 的远程攻击
          因为远程 所以群击不算太大弱点吧……输出足而稳定,如果有50%加成就可以到丧心病狂的4-12
          Flower of haste"
          description= _ "2 extra melee strikes + swarm + 1 movement point"
          info=_"1 movement point more, 2 strikes melee more and swarm for melee).
          急速之花 近战:攻击次数+2以及增加群击,再+1MP
          有吸血的话 其实不是太大问题……给攻击高次数的少的兵种带简直丧病……
          Healthy bomb"
          description= _ "30 Extra Hp more"
          info=_"30 hit points more.
          生命炸弹 +30血
          Frost necklace"
          description= _ "Freezing aura"
          info=_"New ability freezing aura.
          冰霜项链 增加能力冰冻光环:周围的敌人会在他们回合开始时获得减速debuff……
          记住是电脑的回合= =撤退防御强攻都不错的装备
          Fury blue sword"
          description= _ "Add ability fury"
          info=_"New ability fury (2 mp back after killing an enemy units).
          狂暴蓝剑 增加能力狂暴 杀人+2MP
          一回合攻击次数是额外算的,也就是说貌似只能杀人之后走位= =
          Sharp poisoned sword"
          description= _ "Add poison(for nearby units)"
          info=_"New ability poison aura.
          锐利毒剑 毒药光环 周围友军任何攻击都带毒
          虽然听上去挺可怕 但是面对AI的人海还是不够暴力啊……
          Banner of death"
          description= _ "Add melee charge(for nearby units)"
          info=_"New ability charge aura (melee).
          死亡旗帜 冲锋光环 周围友军获得冲锋……
          Banner of backstab"
          description= _ "Add melee backstab(for nearby units)"
          info=_"New ability backstab aura (melee).
          被刺旗子 光环 友军获得被刺
          description= _ "Add melee plague(for nearby units)"
          info=_"New ability plague aura (melee).
          墓碑人 光环 增加原版瘟疫(近战)
          Elvish magical bow"
          description= _ "Add ranged marksman(for nearby units)"
          info=_"New ability marksman aura (ranged).
          精灵魔法弓 光环 友军增加远程精准
          Horror mask"
          description= _ "Add horror(melee) for nearby units"
          info=_"New ability horror aura(melee).
          恐怖面具 光环 周围友军近战获得恐怖特性(主动攻击时对手反击-40%)
          强攻系技能= =

          IP属地:美国6楼2014-09-11 18:30
            Magical 2 hand axe"
            description= _ "Add melee magical(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability magical aura (melee).
            魔法双手斧 光环 周围友军近战获得魔法……
            RP差的孩子挺适合 但是RP特别差还是救不了……
            Magical spear"
            description= _ "Add ranged magical(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability magical aura (ranged).
            魔法矛 光环 周围友军远程获得魔法……
            同上 biubiu biubiubiu!老喷毁灭世界!
            Shadow sword"
            description= _ "Add melee drain(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability drain aura (melee).
            影之剑 光环 周围友军近战获得吸血
            Shadow axe"
            description= _ "Add ranged drain(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability drain aura (ranged).
            影之斧 光环 远程吸血
            感觉比楼上暴力= =?
            description= _ "Add melee slow(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability slow aura (melee).
            巨石阵 光环 近战减速
            Magical aura"
            description= _ "Add ranged slow(for nearby units)"
            info=_"New ability slow aura (ranged).
            魔法光环 ~~ 远程减速
            Spider net"
            description= _ "Extra ranged impact attack"
            info=_"Extra ranged impact (slow) attack, 5 hit points more and 10% more fungus terrain defense (max 75%).
            蜘蛛网 4-6远程冲击带减速,+5血以及10蘑菇地闪避
            非常好的防身系……玩网狼的都值知道= =
            Ancient scimitar"
            description= _ "Extra melee blade attack"
            info=_"Extra melee blade (magical) attack and 5 hit points more.
            古代弯刀 12-3近战剑刃带魔法,+5血
            Dwarvish hammer"
            description= _ "Extra melee impact attack"
            info=_"Extra melee impact attack and 5 hit points more.
            矮子锤 21-2近战冲击,+5血
            矮子王的锤子- =攻高看RP
            Huge rock"
            description= _ "Extra ranged impact attack"
            info=_"Extra ranged impact attack and 5 hit points more.
            大石头 远程28-1冲击,+5血
            巨魔的石头= =聊胜于无
            description= _ "Extra melee/ranged fire attack"
            info=_"Extra melee/ranged fire attacks, 5 hit points more and 10% more fire resistances (max 70%).
            火把 近程12-2火焰伤害,远程7-3火焰,+5血,+10火抗(+70~)
            不够暴力……但也还可以啦= =
            description= _ "Extra ranged blade attack"
            info=_"Extra ranged blade attack ,5 hit points more and 10% more blade resistance (max 70%).
            小斧 6-6剑刃远程,+5血,+10剑刃抗(+70~)
            description= _ "Extra pierce melee attack"
            info=_"Extra melee pierce attack (with charge) and 5 more hit points.
            长矛 13-2冲锋穿刺,5血

            IP属地:美国8楼2014-09-11 18:32
              Shield of resistances"
              description= _ "Add steadfast for nearby units"
              info=_"New ability steadfast aura.
              抗性盾 抵抗光环 周围单位+坚守
              Herbs of resistances"
              description= _ "Add dauntless for nearby units"
              info=_"New ability dauntless aura.
              抗性草 周围单位+无畏,攻击时抗性翻倍那个
              Vampire soul"
              description= _ "Add ranged drain"
              info=_"Add ranged drain.
              吸血鬼之魂 远程吸血
              啊 无敌的巫瞄 啊 无敌的吊法多 啊 无敌的空气……啊 打不到人的老喷= =!
              又一大波瘟疫……近战砍死出0级兵 名字基本可以猜出是啥吧……
              Seed box"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Mwc_Wose Saplings)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (wose saplings) for melee.
              War drums"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Squire Heavy Infantrymans)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (squire heavy infantrymans) for melee.
              Shadow ball"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Ethereal Spirits)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (ethereal spirits) for melee.
              Lost gravestone"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Walking Skeletons)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (walking skeletons) for melee.
              Magical cap"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Initiates)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (initiates) for melee.
              Orcish bloody dagger"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Young Orcs)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (young orcs) for melee.
              White elvish tree"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Elvish Civilians)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (elvish civilians) for melee.
              Undefeated warriors flag"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Ranchers)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (ranchers) for melee.
              Bars of gold"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Noblemans)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (noblemans) for melee.
              Dragon nest"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Drake Whelps)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (drake whelps) for melee.
              Box full of fish"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Drake Whelps Fly)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (drake whelps fly) for melee.
              吐槽!会飞的龙人崽子只能升战士 滑翔和另外一个非原版类似滑翔的高速兵种,不会飞的才能升老喷 不知道作者怎么想的……顺便一提不会飞的还能升陆战和乌龟……
              Bag full of gold"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Dwarvish Miner)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (dwarvish miner) for melee.
              与楼上明显不同 矮子矿可以升所有的原版非原版的矮子!除了狮鹫- =但是有轰炸机矮子OTZ
              Summoning scroll"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Giant Rat)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (giant rat) for melee.
              description= _ "Extra pierce ranged attack"
              info=_"Extra pierce ranged (pierce attack) attack and 10 hit points more.
              龙枪 32-1远程穿刺带穿刺特性,+10血
              Box full of scorpions"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Young Scorpion)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (young scorpion) for melee.
              Obelisk of Despair"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Minor Mwc_Ghoul)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (minor ghoul) for melee.
              Crystals of the damned"
              description= _ "Add melee plague (Young Vampire Beast)"
              info=_"Weapon special plague (young vampire beast) for melee.
              Mace of destruction"
              description= _ "Add melee weaker charge(for nearby units)"
              info=_"New ability weaker charge aura (melee).
              毁灭之锤 光环 周围人近战增加弱冲锋(来回1.5X)
              Orcs club of massacre"
              description= _ "Add melee stronger charge(for nearby units)"
              info=_"New ability stronger charge aura (melee).
              兽人大屠杀棍棒 光环 周围近战+强冲锋(来回2.5*)

              IP属地:美国10楼2014-09-11 18:35
                Pot of sacrifice"
                description= _ "Add melee plague (Merman Recluse)"
                info=_"Weapon special plague (merman recluse) for melee.
                Crystal crown"
                description= _ "Add melee plague (Merman Citizen)"
                info=_"Weapon special plague (merman citizen) for melee.
                这都分家?逗我?好吧不同种族 不同信仰……
                Wand of horror"
                description= _ "Add horror(ranged) for nearby units"
                info=_"New ability horror aura(ranged).
                恐怖之杖 光环 友军远程+恐怖 主动进攻时反击-40%
                Crystal of weaker possession"
                description= _ "Add melee weapon special weaker fury"
                info=_"Weapon special weaker fury (melee) and arcane weakness.
                弱 近战打5轮
                Crystal of possession"
                description= _ "Add melee weapon special fury"
                info= _ "Weapon special fury (melee) and arcane weakness.
                一般 近战打10轮
                Crystal of stronger possession"
                description= _ "Add melee weapon special stronger fury"
                info= _ "Weapon special stronger fury (melee) and arcane weakness.
                强 近战打15轮
                Altar of light"
                description= _ "Add melee weapon special shockwave"
                info= _ "Weapon special shockwave(melee).
                光之祭坛 近战获得冲击波 主动进攻时减速对手以及对手后方的敌军单位,并对后方的单位造成10点冲击伤害
                战线作战挺不错的技能 伤害不如1/2的穿刺特性 但是毕竟有减速嘛
                Altar of darkness"
                description= _ "Add ranged weapon special shockwave"
                info= _ "Weapon special shockwave(ranged).
                暗之祭坛 远程获得冲击波
                同上 远程意味着少吃反击= =
                一大波集中 相当于远程版本的冲锋,主动攻击时攻防X一个系数
                Bow of weaker brutality"
                description= _ "Add ranged weapon special weaker focus"
                info= _ "Weapon special weaker focus(ranged).
                弱 1.25
                Bow of brutality"
                description= _ "Add ranged weapon special focus"
                info= _ "Weapon special focus(ranged).
                普通 1.5
                Bow of stronger brutality"
                description= _ "Add ranged weapon special stronger focus"
                info= _ "Weapon special stronger focus(ranged).
                强 1.75
                The magic stone of weaker focus"
                description= _ "Add ranged weaker focus(for nearby units)"
                info=_"New ability weaker focus aura (ranged).
                弱光环 1.25
                The magic stone of focus"
                description= _ "Add ranged focus(for nearby units)"
                info=_"New ability focus aura (ranged).
                普通光环 1.5
                The magic stone of stronger focus"
                description= _ "Add ranged stronger focus(for nearby units)"
                info=_"New ability stronger focus aura (ranged).
                强光环 1.75
                对于我这种一般领导龙开局 主力只有老喷的绝对是福利 对付近战非常可怕 如果打的兵不是特别强的远程,较小的系数意味着反击也不会那么痛

                IP属地:美国11楼2014-09-11 18:36
                  Helmet atrocities"
                  description= _ "Add melee weaker backstab(for nearby units)"
                  info=_"New ability weaker backstab aura (melee).
                  残暴头盔 弱被刺光环周围友军近战被刺1.5X
                  Necklace ruthlessness"
                  description= _ "Add melee stronger backstab(for nearby units)"
                  info=_"New ability stronger backstab aura (melee).
                  残酷项链 强被刺光环 周围友军近战被刺2.5X
                  偷鸡小分队 削弱版和加强版……
                  Mace of humility"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Chaos Cultist)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (chaos cultist) for melee.
                  Dagger of misfortune"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Devling Sneak)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (devling sneak) for melee.
                  Hammer of devlings"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Devling Nailers)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (devling nailers) for melee.
                  Trash from hell"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Devling Cursers)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (devling cursers) for melee.
                  The metal chest of suffering"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Demon Cursed)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (demon cursed) for melee.
                  Chest of displacement"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Whelp Imp)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (whelp imp) for melee.
                  Troll*s bane"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Premature Troll Whelp)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (premature troll whelp) for melee.
                  Saber of wings"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Young Gryphon)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (young gryphon) for melee.
                  Dagger of robbery"
                  description= _ "Add melee plague (Robber)"
                  info=_"Weapon special plague (robber) for melee.

                  IP属地:美国12楼2014-09-11 18:37
                    Enchanted bolas"
                    description= _ "Adds ranged (weapon special) slow"
                    info=_"Zaklete te bolas jest wstanie ulepszyc twoj atak na odleglosc. Dzieki temu bedziesz wstanie spowalniac wrogie jednostki这些投石索能够提高你的远程攻击。得益于此,你将能够减缓敌人的单位
                    附魔投石索 远程增加特效减速,顺便加10%远程伤害
                    顺便一提,这个道具信息没有概况,后面大段就是波兰语写的……后面零碎的也有不少= =因为机翻不准所以看着玩玩啦!
                    Spiny armor"
                    description= _ "Up 15% physical resistances + Thorns"
                    info=_"New ability thorns and 15% more resistances blade/impact/pierce (max 70%).
                    带刺装甲 加15%物理抗(剑,刺,冲)(~+70),并且添加能力荆棘(无论攻防,近战攻击该单位的人会收到3点穿刺伤害,致死!)
                    Pilar temple"
                    description= _ "Add melee plague (Naga Scout)"
                    info=_"Weapon special plague (naga scout) for melee.
                    瘟疫 娜迦侦察兵……
                    Paladin holy sword"
                    description= _ "Extra melee arcane (holy) attack"
                    info=_"Extra melee arcane (holy) attack and 5 hit points more.
                    圣骑剑 额外近战攻击,12-3奥术伤害附带特效神圣,+50%额外伤害对不死,恶魔以及元素系敌人,+5血
                    人家奥抗本来就低,你还+50%伤害= =与圣水相比,这个没啥副作用,挺不错的
                    Sphere of light power"
                    description= _ "Extra melee arcane (shockwave, magical) attack"
                    info=_"Extra melee arcane (shockwave, magical) attack and 2 hit points more.
                    光芒球体 额外近战攻击,15-1奥术伤害附带特效冲击波以及魔法,+2血
                    Crystal shield of darkness"
                    description= _ "Extra ranged cold (shockwave, magical) attack"
                    info=_"Extra ranged cold (shockwave, magical) attack and 2 hit points more.
                    暗之水晶盾 额外远程攻击,15-1冰冷伤害附带冲击波以及魔法特效,+2血
                    Holy flame"
                    description= _ "Adds melee (weapon special) holy"
                    info=_"Przed soba widzisz stary oltasz z migoczacym jaskrawo plomieniem, ponoc tak wygladaly pierwsze swiatynie palladynow. Kazdy kto chcial stac sie palladynem musial przejsc probe ognia, czyli wlozyc ostrze swej broni w plomienie."你看看老的 migoczacym 明亮 plomieniem oltasz 之前,说一看第一寺庙 palladynow。想要成为 palladynem 的每个人都有移动或火他刀片插入在火焰中探头 (我对机翻失望了……之前那个投石索至少还能看懂点)
                    圣火 近战增加特效神圣,对不死,恶魔以及元首增加额外50%伤害,顺便近战+1伤害并再加5%伤害
                    Necklace of holy sacrifice"
                    description= _ "Adds ranged (weapon special) holy"
                    info=_"Poswiecenia broni palladynow dokonywalo sie zazwyczaj na oltarzach w ich swiatyniach, czasem jednak mozna bylo tego dokonac za pomoca Naszyjnika swietego poswiecenia. Ponoc ten naszyjnik zawiera w sobie czesc plomieni z oltarza w swiatyni palladynow."武器牺牲 palladynow dokonywalo oltarzach 通常在 8 月,在他们的庙宇,但是能够完成这通过圣洁项链牺牲。很显然这条项链中包含部分的去从 palladynow oltarza 寺 (这寺很上镜啊……)
                    圣祭项链 远程增加特效神圣,顺便远程+1伤害并再加5%伤害
                    恐怖光环4连发,主动进攻时对手反击减伤害 各种削弱/增强版
                    Wooden banner of horror"
                    description= _ "Add weaker horror(ranged) for nearby units"
                    info=_"New ability weaker horror aura(ranged).
                    远程弱恐怖 -30%
                    Night banner of horror"
                    description= _ "Add stronger horror(ranged) for nearby units"
                    info=_"New ability stronger horror aura(ranged).
                    远程强恐怖 -50%
                    Bloody saw of horror"
                    description= _ "Add weaker horror(melee) for nearby units"
                    info=_"New ability weaker horror aura(melee).
                    近战弱恐怖 -30%
                    Cursed blade of horror"
                    description= _ "Add stronger horror(melee) for nearby units"
                    info=_"New ability stronger horror aura(melee).
                    近战强恐怖 -50%

                    IP属地:美国13楼2014-09-11 18:37
                      The heavenly aura of lower power"
                      description= _ "Add weaker holy(ranged) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability weaker holy aura(ranged).
                      远程弱 +35%
                      The heavenly aura of power"
                      description= _ "Add holy(ranged) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability holy aura(ranged).
                      远程普通 +50%
                      The heavenly aura of greater power"
                      description= _ "Add stronger holy(ranged) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability stronger holy aura(ranged).
                      远程强 +65%
                      Holy ax of lower power"
                      description= _ "Add weaker holy(melee) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability weaker holy aura(melee).
                      近战弱 +35%
                      Necklace of saints"
                      description= _ "Add holy(melee) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability holy aura(melee).
                      近战普通 +50%
                      Angel*s circles of power"
                      description= _ "Add stronger holy(melee) for nearby units"
                      info=_"New ability stronger holy aura(melee).
                      近战强 +65%
                      Magic bottle"
                      description= _ "Add melee plague (Spout)"
                      info=_"Weapon special plague (spout) for melee.
                      瘟疫 潮水
                      Fiery ring"
                      description= _ "Add melee plague (Fire Wisp)"
                      info=_"Weapon special plague (fire wisp) for melee.
                      瘟疫 火灵
                      Summoning circle"
                      description= _ "Add melee plague (Dimensional Gate)"
                      info=_"Weapon special plague (dimensional gate) for melee.
                      瘟疫 次元门
                      元素类的瘟疫 战斗力很悲伤
                      Drum of power"
                      description= _ "Adds ranged (weapon special) evasion"
                      info=_"Grajac na tych magicznych bebnach i odprawiwszy odpowiedni rytual twa bron moze posiasc magiczne zdolnosci dzieki ktorym podczas ataku bedziesz otrzymywac o 1/3 mniejsze obrazenia."在这些神奇的 bebnach 和 odprawiwszy 上玩 twa 武器的适当仪式可以 posiasc 魔法能力从而攻击将会收到大约 1/3 更小的伤害。
                      力量之鼓 远程增加闪避特效:主动进攻时少吃1/3伤害,+1远程伤害再+5% 效果没普通恐怖和高级恐怖效果好,看代码好像除了乘数以外没其他区别= =?????
                      Cursed halberd"
                      description= _ "Adds melee (weapon special) evasion"
                      info=_"Ta piekielnie wygladajaca halabarda jest wstanie polaczyc sie z kazda bronia przez co jej moc przeniesie sie rowniez i na nia. Ta moc pozwala odczuwac o 1/3 mniejsze obrazenia w walce wrecz."这难以忍受 wygladajaca 戟是能够连接到任何武器通过使她电源的移动,还对她。这种权力允许您对 odczuwac 约 1/3 更小的伤害,在战斗中彻底。
                      被诅咒的戟 近战增加闪避特效,+1近程伤害再+5%

                      IP属地:美国14楼2014-09-11 18:38
                        Magical snow tree"
                        description= _ "Add melee plague (Rolling Snow)"
                        info=_"Weapon special plague (rolling snow) for melee.
                        瘟疫 雪球
                        Jewel of the sun"
                        description= _ "Add ability magical powers"
                        info=_"New ability magical powers.
                        太阳宝石 增加新能力 魔法力量:每个回合开始时有15%几率增强周围友军,例如+血上限,+攻击力,+MP,+抗性或者增加额外攻击方式
                        没见到过= =!我看了下代码,发现有+2,4,6,8,10血等等等等太长了懒得看= =
                        Saurians spear"
                        description= _ "Add melee plague (Saurian Scout)"
                        info=_"Weapon special plague (saurian scout) for melee.
                        瘟疫 蜥蜴人侦察兵
                        description= _ "Dig ability"
                        info=_"New ability Dig.
                        增加新能力 挖土可以挖洞穴墙壁
                        最垃圾宝物系列= =改变地形系道具缺乏数量很难发挥大规模作用 不如爆0级兵来改变地形
                        Crazy coconut"
                        description= _ "Remove special swarm(melee)"
                        info=_"Remove special swarm(melee).
                        疯狂椰子 近战去除群击
                        最垃圾宝物系列= =自带群击的少之又少 只有章鱼,变色龙和九头蛇- =同时带群击的道具起作用……
                        Herbs of strengthening"
                        description= _ "Increase all minus resistances to 0"
                        info= _ "Increase all minus resistances to 0.
                        力量药草 全负面抗性变成0
                        Shields destroyer"
                        description= _ "Shieldsbreaker stronger ability"
                        info=_"New ability Shieldsbreaker stronger.
                        盾牌毁灭者 新能力强力盾碎 -20%全抗
                        Shields enemy"
                        description= _ "Shieldsbreaker ability"
                        info=_"New ability Shieldsbreaker.
                        盾牌之敌 盾碎 -15%全抗
                        Shields opponent"
                        description= _ "Shieldsbreaker weaker ability"
                        info=_"New ability Shieldsbreaker weaker.
                        盾牌对手 弱盾碎 -10%全抗
                        攻击加成系的 不分远近使其成为了不错的进攻利器

                        IP属地:美国15楼2014-09-11 18:41
                          又一波瘟疫= =///
                          Spear of durablest"
                          description= _ "Add melee plague (Sun Shielder Helper)"
                          info=_"Weapon special plague (sun shielder helper) for melee.
                          Solid piece of meat"
                          description= _ "Add melee plague (Baby Cyclops)"
                          info=_"Weapon special plague (baby cyclops) for melee.
                          Strong rope"
                          description= _ "Add melee plague (Goblin Slave)"
                          info=_"Weapon special plague (goblin slave) for melee.
                          Bush with fruits"
                          description= _ "Add melee plague (Shoat)"
                          info=_"Weapon special plague (shoat) for melee.
                          Hole with hydras ring"
                          description= _ "Add melee plague (Whelp Hydra)"
                          info=_"Weapon special plague (whelp hydra) for melee.
                          Terrifying banner"
                          description= _ "Bloody ruler ability"
                          info=_"New ability Bloody Ruler.
                          恐怖旗帜 增加能力血腥领导者 有这个能力的兵周围的敌军单位在他们回合开始的时候有一定几率变成我方的,几率为0级100%, 1级33.3%, 2级16.7%, 3级8.3%, 4级4.2%, 5级2.1%
                          十分逗的能力,貌似有bug不起作用 如果真起作用的话对于电脑没钱后的0级海非常克制,前线蹲坑的话也很容易出惊喜= =
                          Crossbow of envy"
                          description= _ "Add ranged vicious (2)"
                          info=_"Weapon special vicious (2) for ranged.
                          嫉妒之弩 +2远程,附带+10%受影响的攻击伤害
                          Orcish crossbow of revenge"
                          description= _ "Add ranged vicious (4)"
                          info=_"Weapon special vicious (4) for ranged.
                          兽人复仇弩 +4远程,附带10%+
                          Envious tusk"
                          description= _ "Add melee vicious (2)"
                          info=_"Weapon special vicious (2) for melee.
                          Spear of annihilation"
                          description= _ "Add melee vicious (4)"
                          info=_"Weapon special vicious (4) for melee.
                          毁灭长矛 +4近战,附带10%+
                          非常喜闻乐见的一套装备,适合高攻击段数的单位 顺便一提到底是+原始的单下伤害呢还是+到计算完之后的单下伤害呢= =
                          Bastard sword of anger"
                          description= _ "Add melee growing fury"
                          info=_"Weapon special growing fury for melee.
                          愤怒之恶棍剑 近战增加特性怒气增长,每击中一下,下次命中+4额外伤害
                          狂战拿了可以吓死人- =给段数多的比如精灵战士系,死剑等伤害也非常可观
                          Book of ultimate truth"
                          description= _ "Neutral + Halve experience requirements"
                          info=_"This forgotten book imparts ultimate knowledge to the reader, teaching him about true peace and of course changing their alignment to neutral and greatly lowering their experience requirements."
                          原版WC两本书的衍生版 喜闻乐见 升级立场貌似还是会变回来
                          Shadow Armor"
                          description= _ "Delluminates"
                          info=_"This shadow armor radiates an aura of the darkest darkness, delluminating the bearer*s surroundings."
                          an(黑)ying(洞)装甲 能力 去光照 原版照明相反的效果,减少该单位及周围6格的照明程度,白天变晨昏,晨昏变晚上
                          能把光吸走的那当然是黑洞啦= =!适合兽人城管头子,领导骨头等 可以说是欢乐版WC为混沌领导单位添加的福利 遗忘野兽的蜥蜴人头头也不错
                          Gold tamer"
                          description= _ "Add stronger vicious(ranged) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability stronger vicious aura(ranged).
                          “黄金驯兽师” 周围单位远程攻击+6伤害
                          Wand of vindictiveness"
                          description= _ "Add vicious(ranged) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability vicious aura(ranged).
                          报仇之杖 周围单位远程攻击+4伤害
                          Crossbow of condemnation"
                          description= _ "Add weaker vicious(ranged) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability weaker vicious aura(ranged).
                          谴责之弩 周围单位远程攻击+2伤害
                          Bloody axe of vengeance"
                          description= _ "Add stronger vicious(melee) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability stronger vicious aura(melee).
                          复仇之血斧 周围单位近战攻击+6伤害
                          Slayer of the innocent"
                          description= _ "Add vicious(melee) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability vicious aura(melee).
                          无辜者杀手 周围单位近战攻击+4伤害
                          The dagger of betrayal"
                          description= _ "Add weaker vicious(melee) for nearby units"
                          info=_"New ability weaker vicious aura(melee).
                          背叛匕首 周围单位近战攻击+2伤害
                          进攻非常强力的一套装备 配合领导在攻击段数高的兵旁边一战瞬间输出高大上

                          IP属地:美国17楼2014-09-11 18:43
                            Crossbow of frenzied shot"
                            description= _ "Add ranged blessed stronger"
                            info=_"Weapon special blessed stronger for ranged.
                            狂射弩 远程+强力祝福 主动攻击时段数+3
                            Hatchet of opinionated throws"
                            description= _ "Add ranged blessed"
                            info=_"Weapon special blessed for ranged.
                            顽固小斧 远程+祝福 主动攻击时段数+2
                            Pitchfork of quick revolt"
                            description= _ "Add ranged blessed weaker"
                            info=_"Weapon special blessed weaker for ranged.
                            快速反击之铲叉 远程+弱祝福 主动攻击时段数+1
                            无出其右的一套攻击装= =!!!!以普通为例 矮枪18-1 拿了瞬间18-3!黑袍10-2 瞬间10-4魔法,晚上12-4! 老喷6-4 瞬间6-6!白天7-6!法爷7-3,瞬间7-5!白天9-5!等等等等!完全无副作用!
                            description= _ "Extra melee blade attack"
                            info=_"Extra melee blade attack and 5 hit points more.
                            大剑 + 10-4近战剑刃攻击带先制,并+5血
                            Huge ax"
                            description= _ "Extra melee blade attack"
                            info=_"Extra melee blade attack and 5 hit points more, -1 movement points.
                            巨斧 +23-2近战剑刃攻击附带弱冲锋(1.5*来回),+5血,-1MP
                            笨重但却暴力,杀远程兵非常可怕,给蝙蝠这种高机动的可以偷人偷的飞起!配合各种+MP道具也不错= =
                            Cursed gold"
                            description= _ "Add melee plague (Floating Eye)"
                            info=_"Weapon special plague (floating eye) for melee.
                            被诅咒的黄金 瘟疫 漂浮之眼
                            Shoes of cleverness"
                            description= _ "Add skirmisher for nearby units"
                            info=_"New ability skirmisher aura.
                            机智之鞋 好怪的名字= =周围单位增加游击
                            偷鸡小分队系列 不过本体不加游记所以给个有的比较好= =
                            Tree of healing"
                            description= _ "Add healing (+6) for nearby units"
                            info=_"New ability healing (+6) aura.
                            治愈之树 周围友军增加治疗+6
                            非常奇葩的道具 也就是说可以治疗本体在内一大群人= =
                            Full plate armor"
                            description= _ "Up 30% physical resistances and 1 mp less"
                            info=_"This full plate armor increases the user*s physical resistances (to a maximum of 70%) but also decrease your movement points by 1."
                            全身板甲 物理抗+30,不超过70,MP-1
                            Silver plate armor"
                            description= _ "Up 30% physical resistances and 1 mp less"
                            info=_"This silver plate armor increases the user*s not physical resistances (to a maximum of 70%) but also decrease your movement points by 1."
                            银制板甲 非物理抗+30,不超过70,MP-1
                            鬼拿了的结果就是 全抗性爆表→_→

                            IP属地:美国18楼2014-09-11 18:43
                              Sword of glare"
                              description= _ "Extra melee arcane attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee arcane attack.
                              炫光剑 + 6-6可变近战奥术攻击,带魔法先制
                              Ball of glare"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged arcane attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged arcane attack.
                              炫光球 + 6-6可变远程奥术攻击,带魔法先制
                              Sword of heat"
                              description= _ "Extra melee fire attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee fire attack.
                              热能剑 + 6-6可变近战火焰攻击,带魔法先制
                              description= _ "Extra ranged fire attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged fire attack.
                              火球 + 6-6可变远程火焰攻击,带魔法先制
                              Blade of frost"
                              description= _ "Extra melee cold attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee cold attack.
                              寒霜刃 + 6-6可变近战冰冷攻击,带魔法先制
                              Lightining of chill"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged cold attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged cold attack.
                              冰冷闪光 + 6-6可变远程冰冷攻击,带魔法先制
                              Sword of brute force"
                              description= _ "Extra melee blade attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee blade attack.
                              蛮力剑 + 6-6可变近战剑刃攻击,带魔法先制
                              Cruel ax"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged blade attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged blade attack.
                              残忍斧 + 6-6可变远程剑刃攻击,带魔法先制
                              Iron arm"
                              description= _ "Extra melee impact attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee impact attack.
                              铁手 + 6-6可变近战冲击攻击,带魔法先制
                              Iron network"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged impact attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged impact attack.
                              铁网 + 6-6可变远程冲击攻击,带魔法先制
                              Long spike"
                              description= _ "Extra melee pierce attack"
                              info=_"Extra melee pierce attack.
                              长刺 + 6-6可变近战穿刺攻击,带魔法先制
                              Bow of glory"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged pierce attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged pierce attack.
                              荣光之弓 + 6-6可变远程穿刺攻击,带魔法先制
                              什么是可变?就是初始攻击力会在总数保持36的情况下 单次伤害和段数变化,据我所知 除了1-36和36-1没见过以外,攻击会在2-18和18-2变化,啥4-9啊,12-3啊都是可能的
                              Cloak full of magic"
                              description= _ "Add melee plague (Young Magician)"
                              info=_"Weapon special plague (young magician) for melee.
                              充满魔法的斗篷 最后一个瘟疫 阿拉伯的小法师= =
                              最后的最后,一大波诅咒武器!拥有很一般的输出能力和碉堡的瘟疫= =!
                              Cursed harp"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged cold attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged cold attack.
                              诅咒之竖琴 增加4-4远程冰冷攻击,附带弱仇恨(主动攻击时伤害+2),弱祝福(主动攻击时+1段数)不死族瘟疫
                              Cursed staff"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged arcane attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged arcane attack.
                              Cursed hells book"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged fire attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged fire attack.
                              Cursed magical wand"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged arcane attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged arcane attack.
                              Cursed ancient necklace"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged fire attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged fire attack.
                              Cursed dagger"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged blade attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged blade attack.
                              Cursed greenwood-blade"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged impact attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged impact attack.
                              Cursed large hatchet"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged blade attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged blade attack.
                              Cursed bow"
                              description= _ "Extra ranged pierce attack"
                              info=_"Extra ranged pierce attack.
                              虽然总和都是16,但5.33不算加成的话只有5-3= =主动进攻分别有6-5,7-4,10-3的白板伤害,还算可以不过也就2级兵水平= =不要忘了他还不带魔法 主要看点是瘟疫,这里瘟疫最大不同在于他可以出任何该族的0-1级兵= =!!!RP好抽到22块的骑手,24块的狮鹫,21块的老喷之类都是有可能的 建议给2线输出的兵拿 给主力的话 不够暴力,用不上这玩意= =

                              IP属地:美国20楼2014-09-11 18:44