8月29日 美网第4日
”If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great. -Tom Hanks”
别人说先苦后甜,也是异曲同弓的意思。不少人只看到事情的困难及辛苦,但从不愿意付出却要有相对的收获,试问世界怎会有免费的午餐?赛后访问莎说”It's so easy to forget that you get yourself back in such a great position in your career where you win a Grand Slam, you're playing the US Open, which you missed last year. So a lot of positives. ”当她现在在美网比赛,总会令人容易忘记她上年退赛,以及为了重新回来及赢大满贯所付出的一切...
但愿莎背后所付出的一切会有回报,God bless Masha!