我问,Who or what is the adversary in your life, that you remain powerless to? ,他答,The biggest adversary I have ever had is my brain which has been hardwired from childhood to behave in certain ways. As an adult I really do not need the things I enjoyed when I was younger. But alas, the damage we do to ourselves out of ignorance is our worst enemy. , 我能理解的是,至今为止我最大的敌人是我的脑子,从我孩童时期我就一直在某些习惯上表现的很秀逗,在我年轻点的时候作为一个成人我真的不需要能让我享受的事,但是哎,那些我们出于无知对自己做过的危害是我们最危险的敌人。 【我这样翻翻貌似还明白了一些哦,让我想起了小时候拔眉毛的痘痘,结果眉毛稀了好多,帮我看看我哪理解错了哦】