卡尔特猫吧 关注:66贴子:184
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重点色短毛猫是由暹罗猫培育出来的,以红色或奶油限于点(面孔、腿、耳朵、尾巴和阴部)。 早杂交与国内shorthairs和提炼通过集中暹罗基因与红色基因,生产了最终叫Colorpoint的颜色Shorthairs。
与暹罗语要区别新的养殖, CFA交配动物者采取命名Colorpoint Shorthair为注册目的, 1964年,并且通过一个刻苦过程赢取了公认作为养殖。 帮助的早期的猫变成新的养殖被给了Colorpoints的第一颜色类,叫坚实点,是红色和奶油点早期的杂种赢得了声望,平纹版本的暹罗语在四种暹罗颜色被介绍了入重点色短毛猫中。 在CFA,这些平纹指向的猫在他们自己叫天猫座点和被陈列“天猫座点类”当封印天猫座点、chocolatelynx点、蓝色天猫座点、丁香天猫座点、红色天猫座点和奶油天猫座点。象它们的暹罗表兄弟,重点色短毛猫要求一点修饰并且是特别好在家庭以过敏对猫。 在一个温暖的日子里可以为它洗澡,尽量使用毛巾擦干,避免使用吹风机。外套可以“被使外套光滑完成”与雪米布。高在蛋白质一般推荐平衡饮食,因为一部分的Colorpoints的自然秀丽是他们闪耀,肌肉坚硬筒形身体。 注意您的猫的交配动物者的指示,当您获取您的Colorpoint Shorthair时,并且您将保佑与一个长寿命的欢悦伴侣。

1楼2014-08-08 10:26回复
    Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink.Lynx Point ColorsSEAL LYNX POINT: body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred. Paw pads: seal brown.CHOCOLATE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred. Paw pads: cinnamon.BLUE LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred. Paw pads: slate-colored.LILAC LYNX POINT: body glacial white.

    3楼2014-08-08 10:27
      Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred. Paw pads: lavender-pink.RED LYNX POINT: body white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep red bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep red, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink.CREAM LYNX POINT: body clear white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: bars of pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink.SEAL-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: seal brown, or seal brown mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.CHOCOLATE-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: cinnamon, or cinnamon mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.BLUE-CREAM LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: slate-colored, or slate mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.LILAC-CREAM LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.Parti-Color Point ColorsSEAL-TORTIE POINT: body pale fawn to cream, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled with cream in older cats. Points: seal brown, randomly mottled with red and/or cream. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.CHOCOLATE-TORTIE POINT: body ivory, may be mottled in older cats. Points: warm milk-chocolate randomly mottled with red and/or cream. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.BLUE-CREAM POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled in older cats. Points: deep blue-grey randomly mottled with cream. Nose leather and paw pads: slate-colored; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.LILAC-CREAM POINT: body glacial white; mottling, if any, in the shade of the points. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone, randomly mottled with pale cream. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.Colorpoint Shorthair Color Class Numbers Note)Solid Color Point 2278 2279(Cream or Red)Lynx Point 2254 2255(Blue, Blue-Cream, Chocolate, Chocolate-Tortie,Cream, Lilac, Lilac-Cream, Red, Seal, or Seal-Tortie)Parti-Color Point -- 2247(Blue-Cream, Chocolate-Tortie, Lilac-Cream, or Seal-Tortie)AOV 2298 2299Colorpoint Shorthair allowable outcross breeds: Siamese for litters born before January 1, 2019.

      4楼2014-08-08 10:28