--我偶像创造的流行语: 1.笑咩笑 2.Just Relax 3.Mother is basketball 4.Wild&Sexy 5.뭔 가좀 노는 느낌이에요 6.이유가 말에 주세요 7.I told you to stand by me 8.你好美女 9.EW~ 10.I told you not to touch lakabom 11.My dimsum mark-tuan LOL 12.My baby bambam1a LOL 13.My Babies GOT7 14.Sense not for sale 15.Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz 16.装清纯不行吗? 17.I love water! My family love water! My brother loves water! Everybody loves water! 18.Markson Forever 19.Do you know JackBam? 20.하면 하지 21.Diss?! -by GOT7 王嘉尔 Jackson♥