我曾经受苦过,曾经失望过,曾经体会过“死亡”,于是我以我在这伟大的世界里为乐。 i have suffered and despaired and known death and i am glad that i am in this great world. 323 在我的一生里,也有贫乏和沉默的地域;它们是我忙碌的日子得到日光与空气的几片空旷之地。 there are tracts in my life that are bare and silent. they are the open spaces where my busy days had their light and air. 324 我的未完成的过去,从后边缠绕到我身上,使我难于死去。请从它那里释放了我吧。 release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult. 325 “我相信你的爱。”让这句话做我的最后的话。 let this be my last word, that i trust thy love