The brain damage includes the enlargement of a part of the brain that is seen in humans who have autismand schizophrenia. 这种受损包括大脑某一部分变肿大,就人类而言,变肿大的部分常出现在自闭者与精神分裂患者脑中。
As in autism and schizophrenia, the changes occurred predominately in males. The mice also performed poorly in tests of short-term memory, learning ability, and impulsivity. 就自闭症和精神分裂而言,这种变化更多出现在雄性之中。此外,试验中雄性小鼠的短期记忆、学习能力和冲动性行为均有下降。
The new findings are consistent with several recent studies that have shown a link between air pollution and autism in children. 除本实验外,其他最近几项研究也表明大气污染可导致儿童自闭症。
Most notably, a 2013 study in JAMA Psychiatryreported that children who lived in areas with high levels of traffic-related air pollution during their first year of life were three times as likely to develop autism. 最显著的是2013年《美国医学协会杂志:精神病学分册》上发表的一项研究,该研究显示儿童若在一岁多时生活在交通尾气污染严重地区,患上自闭症的概率是同龄儿童的三倍。
“Our findings add to the growing body of evidence that air pollution may play a role in autism, as well as in other neurodevelopmental disorders,” said Deborah Cory-Slechta, Ph.D., professor of environmental medicine at the University of Rochester and lead author of the study. “随着调查的深入,我们搜集到的证据也越来越多,这些数据一致表明大气污染和自闭症之间存在必然联系,污染甚至还可能引发神经系统发育障碍,”罗切斯特大学环境医学教授德博拉•科里•斯彻塔解释道。
In three sets of experiments, Cory-Slechta and her colleagues exposed mice to levels of air pollution typically found in mid-sized US cities during rush hour. 在三组试验中,斯彻塔与同事采集了美国二线城市交通高峰期的空气样本,并将老鼠置于其中。
In one group of mice, the brains were examined 24 hours after the final pollution exposure. In all of those mice, inflammation was rampant throughout the brain, and the lateral ventricles —chambers on each side of the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid —were enlarged two to three times their normal size. 试验结束后,科里为第一组小鼠进行了长达二十四小时的脑部检查。所有小鼠的大脑和侧脑室均已严重发炎——左右脑的脑腔里都是脑脊髓液——小鼠的大脑增大两至三倍。
“When we looked closely at the ventricles, we could see that the white matter that normally surrounds them hadn’t fully developed,” said Cory-Slechta. “我们仔细检查了小鼠的脑室,发现大脑的白质未完全发育”,科里•斯彻塔说道。
“It appears that inflammation had damaged those brain cells and prevented that region of the brain from developing, and the ventricles simply expanded to fill the space.” “我们观察发现炎症损害了小鼠的脑细胞,限制了大脑的发育,脑室不断扩张,占满了整个大脑。”
The problems were also observed in a second group of mice 40 days after exposure and in another group 270 days after exposure, indicating that the damage to the brain was permanent. 科里•斯彻塔还在试验后40天和270天分别测试了第二和第三组小鼠,发现大气污染对脑部造成的伤害是永久性的。