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Saike Once Again 1
{Do you have a ‘dream’?}
(TN- I’m gonna go with ‘Saike: Once again’ for the title starting now. It just sounds more pleasing to me. You guys can call it whatever you want though.)
(Side text- Fukuchi Tsubasa challenges (red text) New territory!! A new series serialization lead color and 46 pages makes it’s move!!)
{To be a musician?}
{Pro Baseball player…?}
{Or even a Manga artist?}
{That’s great!}
{To work hard in order to make these dreams come true is awesome!}
{I don’t have anything like that.}
{Upper texts: These boring//peaceful days//are always going to//continue right?}
(Black box- ‘Anagle Mole’ is available for sale in it’s 5 volume entirety!)
Take 1: Dream.
(Yellow Bubble: Sunday’s 55 strongest new serials!! #23.)
(Sfx- Shaka shaka dmm dmm)
(Sfx- Shaka shaka dmm dmm)
{My name? Kuzushiro Saike. I’m a third year in Middle school.}
{I listen to non Japanese music as a part of my daily routine.}
{My way of shutting out the outside noise.}
{It’s not a big thing.}
(Top text- Fukuchi Tsubasa’s new series serial! Head color and 46 pages! Saike Once again.)
(Handwritten- Fuaaaah)
(Handwritten- Um…Anna said…)
{I love studying.}
(Sfx- gargarigarigarigarigari Scrtchscrtchstrcritch)
{I especially love taking notes during class.}
(Handwritten- And then..)
(Sfx- Wai wai wai wai)
(Handwritten- They got it.)
(Handwritten- For real?!)
{Why aren’t I eating lunch with everyone else you ask?}
(Sfx- Peraaah fwaap)
(Book- No longer Human.)
(Sfx- Mogu mogu chew chew)
{It’s when I’m eating that I take time to read.}
{I also like reading books.}
Someone: Hey…do you have a novel or something you recommend?
Someone else: A novel?
Girl: Lately I’ve been really captivated by different types of print.
Girl 2: Seriously?
(Handwritten- That’s totally not like you.)
(Top text- Fukuchi Tsubasa’s new series serial! Head color and 46 pages! Saike Once again.)
Saike: Mmm.
(Sfx- Mogu mogu chew chew)
(Handwritten- C’mon…even a cell phone novel will do.)
(Handwritten- Then do you want to come to my place today?)
{It’s not a big thing.}
???: Kuszushiro…
You do realize you’re the only one right?
Who hasn’t handed in your list of career desires.
Don’t you have anything you wanna do?
(Sfx- Kuru kuru spn spin)
???: C’mon, there has to be something…
Like, what do you want to do? What do you want to become?
(Sfx- Kuru kuru spn spin)
Saike: Not much in particular.
???: That can’t be.
Anything is good you know?
(Sfx- Kuru spin)
(Sfx- Kuru spin)
???: C’mon…what about your hobbies and whatnot?
Saike: Sorry…
???: Ah…this is a problem.
(Sfx- Porohh slip)
???: Whoops.
(Sfx- Kahh fwaap)
(Sfx- Biiiiiinn)
??? Whoooa! Kuzushiro!
Look at that! It’s standing straight up!!
(Sfx- Biiiiiiin)
Saike: Ah.
???: Kuzushiro….
You remind me of myself a long time ago.
Have you given up on everything before even starting?
You only get to do life once.
Even if it’s only one, you should find something that completely snatches your attention.
{Is a person without a dream no longer human?}
(Sfx- shaka shaka)
(Sfx- Shaka shaka)
???: Hey!
{Karatachi Mikan// Third year middle schooler.}
Mikan: Saaaaike!!
Mikan: Let’s head back together!
Today’s the first break for the Art club this month!
(Sfx- Bosu bosu rub rub)
Saike: Doesn’t matter to me…
(Handwritten- Ooh!)
Mikan: Hiyah!
D—did you see?
(Sfx- Batsh wfip)
Saike: And what if I did?
(Sfx- Suta suta tmp tmp)
Mikan: Eeeh?! You haven’t decided on your career yet?!
Saike: Pipe down will you?
It doesn’t even matter anyway.
(Handwritten- And don’t hit me afterwards just because I saw your panties.)
(Sfx- Zuzuhh slllurrp)
Mikan: We’re third years in middle school y’know!
(Handwritten- If you look at my panties I’ll hit you!)
Saike: Then am I to assume you’ve already decided Mikan?
Mikan: I have, Obvs!
Mikan: I’m going to use my artistic strengths to get into Kurijyo!
Because I love drawing and art!!
(TN- Kurijyo might be the name of a school? The kanji reading is ‘Kuriyama Jyoushi kou’. Which could mean ‘Kuriyama female high school.)
Saike: That place has a pretty high deviation value when it comes to grades…
Mikan, you’re kind of slow so I wonder if you’ll be okay…
(Sfx- Zuuu slllurp)
(Handwritten- Thank you for the concern!!)
Thingy: Mikan-chan go there and do your best!
Mikan: Cause this is what I love to do.
(Sfx- Charrinn twinkle)
Mikan: So no matter how much it takes I’ll do my best!
{You only get to do life once.
Even if it’s only one, you should find something that completely snatches your attention. }
(Sfx- Zuzuhh)
(Handwritten- New release.)
Mikan: Oh! That’s right!
Our chief loves the occult.
They said that they saw something weird in Mogura pond down in the third district!
What do you think about that Saike?
Saike: Maybe it was a Kappa?
Mikan: Bzzzt! Too bad!
It was a person…
A person walking on top of the pond’s surface!
Saike: Someone walking on the water?!
Sure it wasn’t a Kappa?
(Handwritten- That thing.)
(Sfx- Zuzuhh sllluurp)
Saike: Mikan…it’s gonna be 5:30 soon…
No matter how long we sit and watch I doubt that kappa will show up.
Mikan: I’m telling you it’s not a kappa!!
Saike: Let’s head back already…My cellphone is almost kaput too.
Mikan: Hey Saike…
Saike: What is it? Have you given up?
Mikan: Y’know, you’re pretty amazing Saike.
You can’t think of yourself as ‘A person with nothing’ or ‘A person with no dreams.’
That’s a big no-no.
Maybe you don’t remember this anymore…
But a long time ago I was drowning in this lake…
You know what though?
Mikan: You saved me Saike!
It was really dumb of you..
I mean you totally couldn’t swim either!
And so you ended up almost drowning too.
There are lots of things only you can do Saike!
(Sfx- Pah pah pat pat)
Mikan: I’m your childhood friend so if I say it there’s no way it can be wrong!
(Handwritten- Yup!)
Mikan: So y’know…
Mikan: I’m sure you’ll find it one day…
Mikan: The one thing that you wanna do that no one else can do!!
Saike: Mikan….
Was the reason why you brought me here to say---
(Sfx- Kuru spin)
Mikan: Ah! I’m so thirsty! Lets buy juice and head on back!
Saike: Mikan!!
Watch out!
Mikan: Eh?
(Sfx- Gooooohhh hoooooonk)
{People’s lives can be ended in merely an instant.}
{So we don’t realize our own thoughts that we’ll always be here…}
{Until someone else no longer is.}
(Sfx- Pothh potth drip drip)
{I’m going to use my artistic strengths to get into Kurijyo!}
{Because I love drawing and art!!}
{There are lots of things only you can do Saike!}
{I’m your childhood friend so if I say it there’s no way it can be wrong!}
{Why did you take Mikan away…?}
{Cause this is what I love to do.}
{So no matter how much it takes I’ll do my best!}
{Mikan had a dream….}
{Her future was filled with hope…}
Saike: Mikan…
{If you needed to take someone…}
{It should have been me, right?}
Saike: Ahh…
{I’m the one who…}
Saike: Aah…
{Has absolutely nothing!!!}
(Sfx- Buhh Buuhh)
(Sfx- Bokotsh dsssh)
{I thought…}
{That these unchanging days of mine…}
{Would continue forever.}
(Sfx- Buuohh sploosh)
{But when the end comes….that’s the end.}
{That’s fine…}
{After all I’m a human with no real value.}
{Listening to non Japanese music is my daily routine?}
{That’s wrong.}
{I was just making an ‘excuse’ for myself.}
{I was only justifying the fact that I didn’t exchange greetings with anyone and kept to myself.}
{‘Please don’t talk to me. I’m currently listening to music’ I’d say…}
{Listening to rock songs that I don’t even understand the lyrics to.}
{I practiced a simulation.. for when someone would eventually ask ‘What are you reading?’}
{‘Oh, Just Dazai Osamu. What do you need? You want to borrow it?’}
{I had it down perfectly.}
{And so I’d just make reasons to remain alone…}
{I hadn’t noticed that I had frantically built up a ‘shelter’ each and every day.}
(Sfx- Goboohh bloosh)
{Aah…I wonder how many days I’ve wasted…}
{And allowed to go by up until now…}
{I’m sorry Mikan…}
{I wasn’t able to save you…..}
(Sfx- Pipipipipipipipi Beeeepbeeepbeeeeep)
(Sfx- Pipipipipipip beeeeeeeep)
(Sfx- Hah gasp)
(Sfx- Pipipipipipii bebebebebeeeeeep)
(Sfx- Pipipipipipipipi beeeeeeep)
Saike: Uwah!!
(Handwritten- I drowned!)
(Sfx- Gabaaah fwaaap)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
{A dream?}
(Sfx- Hah)
Saike: Mi…
(Sfx- Gabaah fwaaap)
{Was that really a dream?!}
(Sfx- Kappish fwap)
(Sfx- Pipipipippi bebebebeeeeop)
{Then what happened to Mikan?!}
(Sfx- Dorururururu riiiiiing)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Dorurururu rinnnng)
{Please….!! Just pick up!!}
(Sfx- Gachaa click)
Saike: Mi—Mikan!! Is that you?!
Mikan: What’s your deal Saike?
Yelling at me first thing in the morning…!
(Handwritten- You scared me!)
Mikan: I’m still in the middle of getting ready, and while not done it is a close match.
(Sfx- Peta tap)
Mikan: Saike?
{So it was just a dream.}
{Thank goodness.}
{Thank goodness…}
{It’s just another…}
{Boring and ordinary day in my daily life.}
{I wonder why I had a dream like that to begin with…?}
{I’m sure you’ll find it one day…}
{The one thing that you wanna do that no one else can do!!}
{I’ve already given up….}
(Sfx- Peraa flip)
(Sfx- Mogu mogu chew chew)
Someone: Hey…do you have a novel or something you recommend?
Someone else: A novel?
Girl: Lately I’ve been really captivated by different types of print.
Girl 2: Seriously?
(Handwritten- That’s totally not like you.)
{Whoa…I’ve got a weird feeling….}
{What was it called again…?}
(Handwritten- C’mon…even a cell phone novel will do.)
(Handwritten- Then do you want to come to my place today?)
{Deja vu?}
???: Kuszushiro…
You do realize you’re the only one right?
(Sfx- Kuru kuru spin spin)
???: Who hasn’t handed in your list of career desires.
Don’t you have anything you wanna do?
???: C’mon,
there has to be something…
Like, what do you want to do? What do you want to become?
Saike: Not much in particular.
???: That can’t be.
Anything is good you know?
{Is this just my imagination?}
(Sfx- Kuru spin)
(Sfx- Kuru spin)
{Sensei’s pen…}
(Sfx- Katsh dshh)
(Sfx- Biiiiin)
{Is going to fall and stand up?}
???: Whoops.
(Sfx- Porooh slip)
(Sfx- Kasshh sheen)
??? Whoooa! Kuzushiro!
Look at that! It’s standing straight up!!
Saike: I’m sorry Sensei…
I’m not feeling good so I’ll go back now.
???: Eh?
Hey Kuzushiro?
(Sfx- Garaan clatter)
(Handwritten- Turn in your course list by next week!)
{What is this?}
(Sfx- Katsu katsu)
(Sfx- Kachi kachi click click)
(Sfx- Kachi click)
(Phone- Web dictionary. Déjà vu// Realistically feeling that one has experienced something somewhere before despite not actually experiencing it before. It is also known as Dejavu or Déjà vu.)
{Déjà vu…}
Girl: This lid cover won’t open…
Cat: Meowwn.
Guy: Huh? Didn’t I see this scene before somewhere?
{Realistically feeling that one has experienced something somewhere before despite not actually experiencing it before. It is also known as Dejavu or Déjà vu.}
Saike: So it’s basically the sensation of experiencing something afterwards after ‘it happened before.’….
{But….I already knew that the pen would fall and stab the floor allowing it to stand straight up….}
{Before the pen actually fell.}
Mikan: Hey Saike!!
(Sfx- Tatata tmptmptmp)
(Sfx- Doki throb)
Mikan: Let’s head back together!
Today’s the….
(Sfx- Gahh grab)
Mikan: Lets head back together!
Both: Today’s the first break for the Art club this month!
(Top text- Fukuchi Tsubasa’s new series serial! Head color and 46 pages! Saike Once again.)
Mikan: Oyo?
Why’d you already know that Saike?
(Handwritten- Did I tell you already tell you?)
{I get it now.}
{Whether it’s Déjà vu or a dream that came true…}
(Sfx- Mogu mogu chew chew)
(Sfx- Kashi)
(Sfx- Biiiiin*)
(Handwritten- C’mon…even a cell phone novel will do.)
(Handwritten- Then do you want to come to my place today?)
(Sfx- Chariin twinkle)
{I have already experienced ‘Today’ once before!!}
{And then that will happen…}
{And so will everything that occurred afterward…}
Mikan: Hiyah!
(Sfx- Hyuuuuh wiffff)
{Up until now I’ve..}
(Handwritten- Did you see just now? You did right!?}
{Been a truly boring person without dreams or any worth.}
{I’ve been doing nothing more than wasting each and every day.}
{Without feeling warmth or even coldness…simply exsisting.}
{You gave this to me despite myself, God.}
{The chance to change the future.}
{Perhaps it’s just a one day miracle….}
(Sfx- Kopo kopo bloop bloop)
{That’s all I need.}
{I won’t let this second ‘Today’ you gave me…}
{Go to waste again……}
(Bottom text- He definitely won’t allow this day to be boring, ordinary and most of all wasted!! A ‘Second today’ begins. Next issue will have an increased 44 pages as well!)

IP属地:陕西来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-07-07 10:12回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-07-16 22:12