这事情本来很太平,大家都在等11月4日的开庭。在此之前,HOPE 仍将照常训练和比赛。
可是最近美国体育界很不太平,NFL的几个当红球星频频闹出家暴丑闻,Ray Rice还被TMZ曝出在电梯间暴打未婚妻致其昏迷不醒的录像,还有位球星为了管教不听话的4岁儿子,直接用上了鞭子,一时之间群情激愤,在媒体和公众的激烈抗议下,这些球星都被NFL无限期停赛了。
于是愤愤不平的NFL球迷和爱凑热闹的媒体开始想起 HOPE 这件本来几个月前就平息下去的案件了,这时他们倒想起“性别平等”了,质问美国足协为何让 HOPE 继续比赛,要求让她也停赛,还有人要求耐克停止对她的赞助
这事最近闹得还挺热闹,华盛顿@#¥邮报,NYT,ESPN,今日美国……都在那嚷嚷,估计很多原来根本不看女足的NFL球迷都认识 HOPE 了
不过今天美国足协和耐克都发表了声明,表示在案件最终结果之前,他们仍将维持原来的决定——HOPE 可以继续比赛,直到11月庭审。
Nike replied Monday evening with this statement:
"We are aware of the allegations and that HopeSolo has pled *not guilty* to the charges. Hope remains a Nike athlete and we will continue to monitor the situation."
Meanwhile, Solo plays on. She will not be banned when the U S. national team begins qualifying matches next month for the 2015 Women*s World Cup in Canada.
"U.S. Soccer takes the issue of domestic violence very seriously," U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati said in an e-mailed statement Monday night. "From the beginning, we considered the information available and have taken a deliberate and thoughtful approach regarding Hope Solo*s status with the National Team. Based on that information, U.S. Soccer stands by our decision to allow her to participate with the team as the legal process unfolds. If new information becomes available we will carefully consider it."