突然想起这个: When he passed in January 2010, the event led me to write Luv(sic) Part5. The first half the song was written exclusively about Jeff. Nujabes sent words of condolence to Jeff's family as well. I convinced Nujabes that one of the beats he sent me previously should be Part5, to which he initially didn't agree because it was too dark, but eventually he agreed. 可惜他在2010年1月去世了,而也正是这件事让我开始着手创作luv sic pt5。 而这首歌曲得前半部分就是写给jeff得。nujabes在当时也问候了jeff得家庭。我说服了nujabes用jeff之前给我得伴奏,他刚开始不愿意,认为这个节奏太黑暗了(不合调把。。),但是他最后还是同意了。