英语小说吧 关注:660贴子:1,151
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来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-06-10 12:48回复
    Sorry, I still love you
    One day, a boy loves a girl who has a wealthy family, so he thinks he can not obtain the girl’s love. From senior school to college, he always keeps his feeling in the deep heart. He decide that when he has a good cause , he will pop the question to the girl .The boy studies harder and harder ,almost annual scholarship belongs to him .however the girl’s boy friends are replace one by one .No one know whom the girl loves on earth .But in the girl’s heart , the boy take two-part.
    Maybe god has his own idea. The girl and the boy don’t say a word in college. Even if they run across, they only smile a little and walk in different directions.
    With the time elapsing, there are only three days left before graduation .the boy has been accepted by a company which is the best in the nation, the girl’s parents arranged her to abroad. The boy wants to tell the girl how he loves her at the end of time , so in the morning he make a message to the girl and hope her to wait h

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-09-02 08:56

      来自Android客户端3楼2014-09-02 23:43
        hope her to wait him,however,
        the girl rewrite to him,said ,sorry but i like girl~~

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2014-11-24 23:35
          推荐:George Orwell的1984和Animal Farm,Wiliam Golding的Lord of the Flies,John Steinback的Of Mice and Men,Elie Wiesel的Night。(Night还不是小说,是奥斯维辛集中营的一名幸存者的自传)看完这些书我觉得三观都被颠覆了一次_(:3」∠)_
          当然还有就是经典的Sherlock Holmes系列了~什么时候都能看,不过就是英语级别的问题了。

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2014-12-15 04:25

            来自iPad6楼2016-04-15 22:54