englishclasssofrico吧 关注:54贴子:891
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Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals. I attended a lecture given by Professor W. His idea about cloning was struck into our heart. His report was interrupted by our applause. <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
The success of cloning Dolly the sheep should be owed to the advanced technology. Initially, Dolly the sheep was in good condition, but it still died of illness. How to avoid such problems still bothers scientists. Someone suggests whether we could bring extinct animals on Earth back to life via cloning. Pw said human beings were unable to do this. We could say this effort is in vain. The returning of dinosaurs is merely a dream!

IP属地:湖北1楼2014-05-21 18:55回复