The closest Fargo comes to being a "true story" is that one might fairly say it was "inspired by" some real-life incidents, primarily the disappearance of Helle Crafts, a Danish flight attendant, from her home in Newtown, Connecticut, in 1986. Helle's husband, Richard (against whom she had begun divorce proceedings), was eventually arrested, tried, and convicted of her murder: Police theorized that Richard Crafts had struck his wife unconscious in their bedroom with a blunt object, then placed her body in freezer; he later removed her body from the freezer, chopped it up with a chainsaw, put the pieces through a woodchipper, and scattered the remains in and around a nearby river.
最近Fargo 是一个“真实的故事”的“灵感”很可能传言自某些现实事件,主要是1986年丹麦乘务员Helle Crafts从她在康涅狄格州新城家里失踪一事。Helle的丈夫,Richard(她已提出离婚诉讼的),最终被捕,审判,并被判谋杀:警察推理Richard Crafts在他们卧室用钝器击倒妻子,然后把尸体放到冰箱;后来又移出,用电锯碎尸,再将尸块通过碎木机,最后把遗体分散到附近的河里和河周围。