赵张吧 关注:15贴子:220
  • 3回复贴,共1

1楼2014-05-01 18:43回复
    2楼2014-05-01 18:44
      政史地笔记纷飞 数学题全都是泪
        谁言天朝文科生 只需诵背
        不归路踏下无悔 别虚度三载年岁
        莫辜负双亲师长 殷切教诲
        壮哉美兮 天朝文科生
        狼烟锋镝 决不后退
        纵使前路 万般举步艰
        终有一朝 破茧蝶蜕
        诗词歌赋默背 叹离人几伤悲
        怀古咏史思归 浊酒对月一酹
        兰亭徒余丘墟 笔墨尽丹青褪
        岳阳楼阁之上 吾邀谁与归
        出师一表名世 英雄沾襟泪垂
        湘君精神错乱 于江中捐余袂
        浩渺如烟诗集 书架上塞成堆
        分析理解情感 欲语先流泪
        课堂上笔记纷飞 课堂后刷题劳累
        谁言天朝文科生 不曾疲惫
        死后亦自会长眠 生前又何必久睡
        如梭的光阴飞逝 切莫浪费
        长歌当哭 天朝文科生
        离弦之羽 难以再回
        纵使前路 万般挫折现
        终有一朝 破茧蝶蜕
        唯物主义万岁 即使不明所谓
        唯心主义消退 哲学使人明慧
        马克思的观点 永远在至高位
        经济政治哲学 默默烧成灰
        A地斜阳初绯 B地几时落晖
        纵横交叉经纬 盛行风哪边吹
        资源开发利用 生态环境将颓
        调整产业结构 栖鸟振翅翙
        岿然不动 天朝文科生
        路途漫漫 风雨如晦
        只愿未来 回首心无愧
        奋击向前 扶摇高飞
        变法改革几多 由后人定是非
        思想运动根因 经济总是首位
        风云变幻波折 淡看大国式微
        万千成败兴亡 逐鹿已成灰
        我们出身卑微 不奋进即败北
        战斗需在此时 知光阴不可追
        书山题海磨砺 且教看锋芒锐
        须待蟾宫折桂 疏狂图一醉

      3楼2015-07-04 21:17
        Oh, won't you tell me? Please just tell me.
        Explain how this should work.
        Well now who could it be, that lives inside of me?
        I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered
        Surrounded by the world
        And yet, you're smiling bright
        Completely blind to life
        My ruptured lungs; they were left this way
        For once, I'm out of breath.
        The truth I seek, never felt so bleak but,
        I maintain my depth
        I'm breakable;
        I'm shaking yet,
        Until the day that you find me.
        I'll stand here,
        Existing and feeling wretched* existence
        Consuming life-force til I grow distant
        Don't bother searching for somebody like me.
        A fading no one.
        I don't want to hurt you, It's not my nature.
        A monster born from dusk to dawn can't be your saviour
        Remember the 'me', the way I used to be.
        As who I still should be.
        The isolation spreads and tears
        Those happy /days, pierce into me
        These lonely memories cease to care
        They spread throughout my history
        I’ll never move
        I’ll never lose
        I’ll never move
        I’ll never lose
        I’ll never move
        I’ll never lose you.
        Unraveling the world
        At once, I start changing,
        Yet everything’s remaining
        These lives I felt would join as one,
        They fade away before they’ve begun.
        I’m breakable; unbreakable
        I’m shaking yet, unshakable
        Until these hands “contaminate” you
        I’ll stand here existing and feeling wretched existence
        Consuming life-force til I grow distant
        Don't bother searching for somebody like me. A fading no one.
        This lonely space, held into place by someone crazy
        Shall melt away like dawn to day as things get hazy
        So please think of me, the way I used to be.
        As who I really should be
        So don’t forget me,
        You can’t forget me
        You won’t forget me
        Please don’t forget me.
        With changing inside I’m completely paralyzed
        Remaining corrupt as I wish for paradise
        Remember the 'me', the way I used to be.
        Oh, won’t you tell? Oh, please just tell…
        Well now who could it be, that lives inside of me?

        5楼2015-07-04 21:18