First, I have to admit that I got the ideaand most of the basic outline of this symbol from the piece of music Entrancecomposed by ICE, which canbe found in Cytus. I just changedand added some details in it. And please let me explain the idea that I want toexpress through it.
1. Thename of this symbol is Entrance, taken from that piece of music. The reason Ichose it was that as the monitor of the class, I want to make it an entrance toa bright future, where everyone can make his way to his ideal university andideal life. And you can see the words on top of the symbol.
2. Thecircle in the background which surrounds the number 29 represents the unity ofthe whole class. Like a circle, if we always stay united, this collectivitywill be unbreakable.
3. Youmade find the upper part of the circle looking like a dome which has the nameof our teacher’s name- Yang Chuntang on it. That represents the influenceexerted on us by him and the protection and instruction he provides for everyonein this class.
4. Thewings that covered part of the circle are taken from the music Entrance. Inthis symbol, it represents the ambition in every student’s heart. In thissociety full of fierce competition, we need to be enterprising and ambitious towin a better position.
5. Oppositeof the wings, the moon beside the numbers represent the peaceful and smoothpart of our heart. Only with tolerance and patience can we keep an harmoniousatmosphere.
Havingexplained so much, the last thing I want to say is that I’ve done this out oflove for the class and Mr.Yang. And I wish that everyone in this class can keepthe eternal love for this class, this family. Thanks.
By: the monitor