我一直跟自己说是自己智商问题 无法理解Kass作为Brain tribe一份子的想法。。。=_=然后就晃去Twitter里看看大家的想法 Kass说:Women who play strategically are bitches, men who play strategically are bosses - sound familiar?为什么女人玩策略就是婊子而男人玩策略就是英雄 下面是几个人的回复: In what world is being blinded by a bruised ego considered "strategic"? A little more honest self reflection might be in order. The problem is it wasn't strategic. It was petty, personal, emotional and paranoid jealous play. Oh that was supposed to be strategical? Because it came across as a hissy fit because @sarahlacina was getting attention 然后Kass回击:I ve been a "bitch" all my life to those I have outwitted or outplayed. I wasn't cast because I would cower and fold. =_=她是有多固执她那是strategy而不是emotional outbreak! 在Sarah的Twitter上 我喜欢这个回复 Gabriela Mallo : Kass is an idiot...why throw away a majority so soon?? Kass was easily top three with the remaining brains tribe. She has no game what so ever. Agreed...had Kass stayed with original Aparri, she's final 3 for sure 当然也有人说Kass “One of the smartest, aware people I've seen in a long LONG time.” 哪位大神解释解释 为神马我看不出这是strategy....=-=...我怎么看flip之后都是Bottom 6节奏 就不想被人短期控制 又或者是情绪爆发。。。这位Brain tribe大神的大脑 我智商过低无法理解
很多人都认为 如果她保持在原来的联盟里面 会进Top3 这叫自我毁灭 但是她自己坚持策略 很多人说她只是妒忌Sarah是目光焦点不甘心于被控 是属于情绪爆发。。。她自己怎么都说那是策略。。。我说 大妈 我怎么就看不出那是策略 你原来的金三角联盟妥妥的 你偏偏来折腾自己。。。短暂顺从她意又如何 先一致对外才是硬道理啊。。。你手上有number 你偏偏跑去别人营里做“小三”。。。我赶脚她是纯粹玩的节奏 “I don't care about your freaking money. I just like the blindside” 之前一次Flip 背叛了Brain tribe的男人们 现在再来一次~~~ 至于说她有策略的人。。。请指点。。。我真心看不懂。。。
她用"strategic“往自己脸上贴金呢!她就是个control freak!她这一路的投票原则就是,不管大局,消灭眼前看不顺眼的人最重要。看看她"brains"里的前盟友怎么评价她所谓的”strategic move"吧! Tasha Fox @missfoxytasha My 7 year old niece just asked why someone would to from the top of an alliance to the bottom of another one. Did I mention she was 7? Spencer Bledsoe @SpencerBGM Choice A: Good spot within the majority Choice B: The bottom of the majority, and 5 people now hate you Brilliant. Tasha最后总结说,"brains"里只有两个brains,她自己和Spencer.
Josh @joshgetsit 29m @missfoxytasha Please tell me that a Fox always knows how to get out of situations like this one. #survivor Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand Tasha Fox @missfoxytasha 15m @joshgetsit The worst thing you could do is back a Fox into a corner. #RightHookLeftUppercut 有人问Tasha (她姓Fox 狐狸),求你一定要告诉我 一只fox(狐狸)在这种困境下总会化险为夷吧! Tasha回复,你要是把狐狸逼急了 你可没有好果子吃。 看上去要有逆转好戏上演。。。