Interviewer: Forget me not already donefilming right? Kong: Yes, yes. ITV: How many months did it take? Kong: I thinkabout 8 months, approximately. ITV: Why did it take so long to film? Kong:Because of many things, maybe the actors’ schedule, all are very busy. And wefilmed a lot inSwitzerland,we had to find the time that everyone were available. Also a bit hard to film,the director wanted this to come out perfectly, that’s why took a long time.ITV: Do you satisfy with the outcome? Kong: Yes, very beautiful. When I filmedI did check the scene in the monitor, it’s good. The scene came outbeautifully. The script’s also great. ITV: When will it air? Kong: I heard itwill air at the beginning of April. ITV: Did you get along with Ann? Kong: ohno problem, we’ve been working together before. Ann’s a great actress; she hasvery good timing, fun to work with. Comedy or drama, she nailed it. Justphenomenal actress. ITV: so we’ll see you this year for sure? Kong: yes, forsure. ITV: Any good news in the future, wedding? Kong: Not yet, I haven’tthought about this much, wait until I grew up a bit more, I’ll think aboutthat. (he’s joking) ITV: After Forget Me Not, is there any other lakornscontact you to be in? Kong: yes, a lot, I can’t remember the names. About 6 or7 lakorns but because of time and other things I decided not to accept theroles. I want to rest a bit and there’ll be big Nuvo concert so I might have tospend time practicing music. ITV: Do you know yet when the concert is? Kong:Still talking about it, probably in July or August. Now I can’t give thedefinite answer, we just start talking about it. ITV: It will be a BIG Nuvoconcert? Kong: yes ITV: Nuvo gathering again. Kong: well we actually haven’tsplit or anything, Nuvo still sees each other every day, performing. ITV:….(Ican’t hear the ITV) Kong: no, it’s just a normal concert, at Impact arena, 25thanniversary of Nuvo etc. Something like that. ITV: You haven’t performed a bigconcert for how long now? Kong: About 2-3 years for big concert at Impact like10,000 people watching. But small one we perform almost every day. ITV: Why didyou decide to do this concert? Kong: Last time we did B-side concert, onlyperformed songs from B-side which weren’t that hit so people would raise thequestion how about A-side? Hit songs that everyone can sing along? People askeda lot about this so it’s inspired us to do the concert for A-side. ITV: Oh thistime all the Nuvo hit songs. Kong: Yes, if B-side again, people might startthrowing stuffs at us haha. ITV: any guess in the concert? Kong: yes, likeother concerts, we’ll have to look into that later in the process. ITV: How’sthe process now? Kong: Just starts counting one and two. Still talking with thesponsors. ITV: P’Kong sorry but I’ve to ask again, no plan to get married atall? Kong: If I’m about to get married you will be the first one that I tell,I’ll call you immediately. But now no plan. ITV: not because you love singlelife? Kong: No, I’m at this age I don’t worry about that anymore. ITV: How aboutnot getting married at all? Kong: yeah if no time or lazy I’ll just skip thatstep but if I have time or want to do something fun, want to spend tons ofmoney I’ll do it. ITV: Do you think married is not that necessary? Kong: Notthat necessary, it’s about two people, to stay together it’s about love andunderstanding. Wedding is just one day we go to the luxury hotel, lots of guessand the next day it ended, we will still be the same two persons, everything isthe same. So it’s about two people, love and understanding that’s it.
泰翻英 Mint Patty