到底结果如何, 其实不用我们说 Kurt Browning与Robin Cousins, 维特都在对外发言表示对索契结果很遗憾...Dick Button也不例外
出处: Dick Button's twitter
"Dear Yu-Na, you are a true champion. When I criticize, I believe in recognizing changes. You were a different skater today. Congratulations! Sotnikova was energetic, strong, commendable, but not a complete skater. I fear I will never be allowed back in Russia again."
出处: Dick Button's twitter
"Dear Yu-Na, you are a true champion. When I criticize, I believe in recognizing changes. You were a different skater today. Congratulations! Sotnikova was energetic, strong, commendable, but not a complete skater. I fear I will never be allowed back in Russia again."